Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hadith: Whoever offer Prayers on Night of Qadr.

Prophet Mohammad 
[peace and Blessings be upon him] 

"Whoever Established Prayers on The Nights of  Qadr
out of sincere faith and hoping for a Reward from 
Allah SWT, Then all his Previous sins will be forgiven"

12 Golden Words by Imam Hassan A.S

Insan ki fitrat us k chotay choty kamon se zahir hoti hai,
Kyon k baray kaam wo hamesha soch samaj k 
aur mansuba bandi k sath he kerta hai.
-Hazrat Imam Hassan(A.S) 

"Jo aankho'n se nazar aane wale k saath bura krta hy 
wo bin dekhe KHUDA k saath mohabbat kese kare ga ?"
Imam Hassan (A.S)  

Opportunities pass away swiftly, 
and take longer to return
-Imam Hassan (A.S)  

Do not struggle hard like a successful (searcher) of material 
and do not depend upon destiny like those who surrender to it. 
(Neither greed nor laziness). Because seeking the Grace (of Allah) 
is Sunnah and not being greedy in seeking sustenance is modesty.
 And modesty is not the cause for the repulsion of sustenance, 
nor does greed attract grace, because sustenance is (already) 
apportioned, and being greedy is being sinful.
-Imam Hassan (A.S)  

The annihilation of people lies in three things: Arrogance, 
Greed and envy. Arrogance causes destruction of the religion
 and because of it Satan was cursed, and Greed is the enemy
 of one’s soul, and because of it Adam was expelled from 
Paradise, and envy is the guide to wickedness, and 
because of it Qabil killed Habil.
-Imam Hassan (A.S)  

Generosity is giving in prosperity and adversity
-Imam Hassan (A.S)

The best wealth is contentment 
and the worst poverty is humiliation
-Imam Hassan (A.S)

O’ Son of Adam, abstain from the unlawful and you will 
be a worshiper, and be content with what Allah has 
predestined for you, you will be sufficient, be benevolent to 
those who take up proximity in your neighborhood, 
you will be a Muslim.
-Imam Hassan (A.S)

One who lacks intelligence has no decorum, 
and one who lacks determination has no magnanimity, 
and one who has no modesty has no religion
-Imam Hassan (A.S)

(Silence is) concealment of ignorance, 
adornment of one’s self, and the one performing it 
(keeps silent) is in ease, and his companion is safe
-Imam Hassan (A.S)

Whoever relies on the excellence of Allah’s choices, 
doesn't wish to be in other than the situation 
that Allah has chosen for him.
-Imam Hassan (A.S)

Jest eats away one’s dignity, and 
the one remaining silent increases in dignity.
-Imam Hassan (A.S)


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hadith: Ramadhan ka Roza todney par kaffara

English Translation :

Humaid b. Abd al-Rahman reported that Abu Huraira had narrated
to him that the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him)
commanded the person (who) broke the fast in Ramadan
to free a slave or observe fasts for two (consecutive) months or
feed sixty poor persons.
Sahih Muslim, Book 006, Number 2461: 
Urdu Translation :

Abu hurairah Radi allaho anho se rivayat hai ki
Rasoollallah Sallallaho Alaihey wasallam ne
hukm kiya ek shaksh ko jisney ramadhan mein roza tod diya tha
ki ek ghulam ko aazad karey ya 2 mahiney ke rozey rakhey
ya 60 miskin ko khana khilaye. 

Sahih Muslim, 2599


Friday, August 27, 2010

Search for Lailat-ul-Qadr in last 10 nights of Ramadan

`Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported:
The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
used to seclude himself (in the mosque)
during the last ten nights of Ramadan.
He (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would say,

"Search for Lailat-ul-Qadr (Night of Decree)
in the last ten nights of Ramadan.''

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hadith of the Day: Charity during Ramadan

Ibn `Abbas Radi'Allahu anhu  reported;

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was
the most generous of the men;
and he (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was
the most generous during the month of Ramadan
when Jibril visited him every night
and recited the Qur'an to him.
During this period, the generosity of Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
waxed faster than the rain bearing wind.

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].


This Hadith induces us to do two good things frequently
and with full preparation in the month of Ramadan.
First, benevolence and generosity
so that people get maximum time for worship
and reduce their mundane affairs during this month.
Second, recitation of the Qur'an and Mudarsah,
(reading and hearing the Qur'an from one another)
as is done by two Huffaz in this manner.
The reason for the stress on the Qur'an is that
The Qur'an and the month of Ramadan are
closely linked with each other.
The Qur'an was revealed in this month.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hadith of the Day: Break fast with dates

Sulaiman ibn `Amr Radi'Allahu anhu  reported
that the Prophet, Sall-Allaahu alayhi wa sallam, said,

 "If anyone of you is fasting,
he should break his fast with dates.
If dates are not available,
then with water, for water is purifying."

[Ahmad and At-Tirmithi]

Hadith: A Night Better Than a Thousand Months

"Once when Ramadhan began,
the Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) said:

"A month has verily come upon you,
wherein lies a night better than a thousand months.
Whoever misses such a night has indeed been deprived
of all that is good and none is deprived of it,
except he who is really unfortunate."

{ Ibn-Majah }

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Sermon By The Prophet (s) On Ramadan..

The Sermon Given By The Prophet (s) On The Last Friday 

Of Sha’ban On The Reception Of The Month of Ramadhan 


“O People ! “Indeed ahead of you is the blessed month of Allah. A month of blessing, mercy and forgiveness. A month which with Allah is the best of months. Its days, the best of days, its nights, the best of nights, and its hours, the best of hours. 

It is the month which invites you to be the guests of Allah and invites you to be one of those near to Him. Each breath you take glorifies him; your sleep is worship, your deeds are accepted and your supplications are answered. 

So, ask Allah, your Lord; to give you a sound body and an enlightened heart so you may be able to fast and recite his book, for only he is unhappy who is devoid of Allah’s forgiveness during this great month. 

Remember the hunger and thirst of the day of Qiyamah (Judgement) with your hunger and thirst; give alms to the needy and poor, honor your old, show kindness to the young ones, maintain relations with your blood relations; 

Guard your tongues, close your eyes to that which is not permissible for your sight, close your ears to that which is forbidden to hear, show compassion to the orphans of people so compassion may be shown to your orphans. 

Repent to Allah for your sins and raise your hands in dua during these times, for they are the best of times and Allah looks towards his creatures with kindness, replying to them during the hours and granting their needs if he is asked… 

“O People! Indeed your souls are dependant on your deeds, free it with Istighfar (repentance) lighten its loads by long prostrations; and know that Allah swears by his might: 

That there is no punishment for the one who prays and prostrates and he shall have no fear of the fire on the day when man stands before the Lord of the worlds. 

“O People! One who gives Iftaar to a fasting person during this month will be like one who has freed someone and his past sins will be forgiven. 

Some of the people who were there then asked the Prophet (s): “Not all of us are able to invite those who are fasting?”

The Prophet (s) replied: “Allah gives this reward even if the Iftaar (meal) is a drink of water.”

“One who has good morals (Akhlaq) during this month will be able to pass the ‘Siraat’…on the day that feet will slip…

“One who covers the faults of others will benefit in that Allah will curb His anger on the day of Judgment…

“As for one who honors an orphan; Allah will honor him on the day of judgement,
“And for the one who spreads his kindness, Allah will spread His mercy over him on the day of Judgment.

“As for the one who cuts the ties of relation; Allah will cut His mercy from him…
“Who so ever performs a recommended prayer in this month Allah will keep the fire of Hell away from him…

“Whoever performs an obligatory prayer Allah will reward him with seventy prayers [worth] in this month.

“And who so ever prays a lot during this month will have his load lightened on the day of measure.

“He who recites one verse of the holy Quran will be given the rewards of reciting the hole Qur’an during other months.

“O People! Indeed during this month the doors of heaven are open, therefore ask Allah not to close them for you; 

The doors of hell are closed, so ask Allah to keep them closed for you. During this month Shaytan (Saten) is imprisoned so ask your Lord not to let him have power over you.”

Hadith: 3 Persons Whose Dua is Not Rejected

Abu Hurairah (Radiallaho Anho) reports,
Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) said:
"There are three persons whose Dua is not rejected,
The fasting person until he breaks the fast,
the just ruler and the oppressed person,
whose Dua Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) lifts above
the clouds and opens unto it the doors of Jannah
and Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) says,
'I swear by my honor, verily , I shall assist you,
even though it may be after sometime.' "

{ Ahmed }

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hadith:The Excellence of Observing Saum (Fasting)

Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said,
"Every slave of Allah who observes Saum (fasting)
for one day for the sake of ALLAH, Subhanahu wa ta'ala,,
Allah will draw his face farther from Hell-fire
to the extent of a distance to be covered in seventy years.''

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Friday, August 20, 2010

Hadith: He who provides a fasting person..

Zaid bin Khalid Al-Juhani (RadhiAllaho anho) reported:
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said,

"He who provides a fasting person something
with which to break his fast,
will earn the same reward
as the one who was observing the fast,
without diminishing in any way the reward of the latter.''


Hadith of the day: When I am Observing The Fast

Abu Hurairah (Radi-Allahu Anhu) reported:
The Messenger of Allah (Sall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam) said,

"When any one of you  is observing fast on a day,
he should neither indulge  in obscene language
nor should he raise the voice;
and if anyone reviles him or tries to quarrel with him
he should say,   'I am observing fast.'"

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

This Hadith has already been mentioned
and is repeated here for its being relevant to this chapter.

We learn from it that during the fasting not only food,
drink and sex are prohibited but the improper use of the tongue
and the other organs of the body as well. When one is observing fast,

he should neither use abusive language nor talk foolishly
nor tell lies nor make obscene conversation
nor indulge in backbiting nor quarrel with anyone.

If someone provokes him, he should keep himself quiet
and remember that he is observing fast
and he has to abstain from such things.

As far as possible, he should keep his tongue
engaged in the remembrance of Allah
and recitation of the Qur'an.

Hadith of the day:I am observing fast

Abu Hurairah (Radi-Allahu Anhu) reported:
The Messenger of Allah (Sall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam) said,

"When any one of you
is observing fast on a day,
he should neither indulge
in obscene language
nor should he raise the voice;
and if anyone reviles him
or tries to quarrel with him
he should say,
'I am observing fast.'"

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].


This Hadith has already been mentioned

and is repeated here

for its being relevant to this chapter.

We learn from it that during the fasting

not only food, drink and sex are prohibited

but the improper use of the tongue

and the other organs of the body as well.
When one is observing fast,

he should neither use abusive language nor talk foolishly
nor tell lies nor make obscene conversation

nor indulge in backbiting nor quarrel with anyone.

If someone provokes him, he should keep himself quiet

and remember that he is observing fast

and he has to abstain from such things.

As far as possible, he should keep his tongue

engaged in the remembrance of Allah

and recitation of the Qur'an.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ahadith: A Believer Must Remain Steadfast On That.

The Messenger of Allah (Sall'Allahu alaihi wasallam) said:

"Say:'I believe in Allah' SWT and then be steadfast (on that)."

[Sahih Muslim]
Do not be of those who abandoned sinning
for the sake of Ramadan, and not out of fear for Allah!
Those who do not know Allah except in Ramadan.

The enthusiasm and the zeal of the Muslim must be constant,
and he must continue to remain in the service of his Master.

Urdu Translation (Transliteration)

Allah ke Rasool (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) ne farmaaya:

Main Allah par imaan laaya
aur phir (uss par) saabit qadam raho."

[Saheeh Muslim]

Unn logon mein se na ho jaao,
jo mahez Ramadan ke liye ghunahon se baaz rahte hain
aur Allah ke khauf ki wajah se nahin!
Jo Ramadan ke maheene ke ilawah
(doosre maheeno mein) Allah ko nahin pahchaante.

Musalmanon ka josh aur kharosh paainda rahna chahiye
aur unhe apne parwardigaar ki khidmat mein
musalsal lage rahna chahiye.

Alahumma infa`ni bima `allamtani
wa `allamni ma yanfa`uni!

OH ALLAH! Make useful for me what You taught me
and teach me knowledge that will be useful to me!


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Some Common Mistakes in Ramadan

Some Common Mistakes in Ramadaan

Lets Strive Not to Repeat the Same

By Asma bint Shameem

1 : Taking Ramadan as a ritual:

For many of us Ramadan has lost its spirituality and has become more 
of a ritual than a form of Ibaadah. We fast from morning to night like 
a zombie just because everyone around us is fasting too. We forget 
that its a time to purify our hearts and our souls from all evil....
we forget to make dua, forget to beseech Allaah to forgive us and 
ask Him to save us from the Fire.  Sure we stay away from food and 
drink but that's about all.

Although the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said:  
"'Jibreel said to me, May Allaah rub his nose in the dust, 
that person to who Ramadaan comes and his sins are 
not forgiven, and I said, Ameen.

Then he said, May Allaah rub his nose in the dust, that person 
who lives to see his parents grow old, one or both of them, 
but he does not enter Paradise (by not serving them) and 
I said, Ameen.

Then he said, May Allaah rub his nose in the dust, that person 
in whose presence you are mentioned and he does not send 
blessings upon you, and I said, Ameen.'"  (Tirmidhi, Ahmad, 
others. Saheeh by al-Albaani)

2 : Too much stress on food and drink
For some people, the entire month of Ramadan revolves around food.
They spend the ENTIRE day planning, cooking, shopping and thinking 
about only food, instead of concentrating on Salaah, Quran and other 
acts of worship. All they can think of is FOOD. So much so that they 
turn the month of fasting into the month of feasting. Come Iftaar time, 
their table is a sight to see, with the multitudes and varieties of food, 
sweets and drinks. They are missing the very purpose of fasting, and 
thus, increase in their greed and desires instead of learning to control them. 
It is also a kind of waste & extravagance.

".....and eat and drink but waste not by extravagance, certainly
He (Allah) likes not Al-Musrifoon (those who waste by extravagance) " 
[al-Araaf :31]

3 : Spending all day cooking
Some of the sisters (either by their own choice or forced by 
their husbands) are cooking ALL day and ALL night, so that by 
the end of the day, they are too tired to even pray Ishaa,
let alone pray Taraweeh or Tahajjud or even read Quraan. 
This is the month of mercy and forgiveness. So turn off that 
stove and turn on your Imaan! 

4 : Eating too much
Some people stuff themselves at Suhoor until they are ready to burst, 
because they think this is the way to not feel hungry during the day 
and some people eat at Iftaar, like there is no tomorrow, trying to 
make up for the food missed. However, this is completely against 
the Sunnah. Moderation is the key to everything.

The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: 
"The son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach; 
for the son of Adam a few mouthfuls are sufficient to keep his 
back straight. If you must fill it, then one-third for food, 
one-third for drink and one-third for air." 
(Tirmidhi, Ibn Maajah.  saheeh by al-Albaani).

Too much food distracts a person from many deeds of obedience and 
worship, makes him lazy and also makes the heart heedless.

It was said to Imam Ahmad: Does a man find any softness and humility 
in his heart when he is full? He said, I do not think so.

5 : Sleeping all day:
Some people spend their entire day (or a major part of it) sleeping away 
their fast. Is this what is really required of us during this noble month? 
These people also are missing the purpose of fasting and are slaves to 
their desires of comfort and ease. They cannot bear to be awake and 
face a little hunger or exert a little self-control. For a fasting person 
to spend most of the day asleep is nothing but, negligence on his part.

6 : Wasting time:

The month of Ramadaan is a precious, precious time, so much so that
Allaah calls this month "Ayyamum Madoodaat" (A fixed number of days). 
Before we know it, this month of mercy and forgiveness will be over. 
We should try and spend every moment possible in the worship of Allaah 
so that we can make the most of this blessing. However, there are some 
of us who waste away their day playing video games, or worse still,
watching TV, movies or even listening to music. Subhaan Allaah! 
Trying to obey Allaah by DISOBEYING him!

7 : Fasting but not giving up evil:

Some of us fast but do not give up lying, cursing, fighting, backbiting, etc. 
and some of us fast but do not give up cheating, stealing, dealing in haraam, 
buying lotto tickets, selling alcohol, fornication, etc. and all kinds of 
impermissible things without realizing that the purpose of fasting is 
to not stay away from food and drink; rather the aim behind it is to fear Allaah.

"O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed 
for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqoon (the pious)"  
[al-Baqarah 2:183]

The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said:  
"Whoever does not give up false speech and acting upon it, 
and ignorance, Allaah has no need of him giving up his food and drink."  

8 : Smoking:

Smoking is forbidden in Islam whether during Ramadaan or outside of it, 
as it is one of al-Khabaaith (evil things). And this includes 
ALL kinds of smoking material eg.cigars, cigarettes, pipes, sheesha, hookah etc.

"he allows them as lawful At Tayyibaat (all good and lawful things), 
and prohibits them as unlawful Al Khabaa'ith (all evil and unlawful things)
[al-Araaf :157]

It is harmful, not only to the one smoking, 
but also to the ones around him. It is also a means of wasting ones wealth.

The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said:  
"There should be no harming or reciprocating harm."
This is especially true during fasting and it invalidates the fast. 
(Fatwa -Ibn Uthaymeen)

9 : Skipping Suhoor:

The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: 
"Eat suhoor for in suhoor there is blessing."(Bukhaari, Muslim).

And he (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said:  
"The thing that differentiates between our fasting and the fasting of 
the People of the Book is eating suhoor." (Muslim)

10 : Stopping Suhoor at Imsaak :

Some people stop eating Suhoor 10-15 minutes earlier than the time of Fajr 
to observe Imsaak.

Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen said: This is a kind of bidah (innovation) 
which has no basis in the Sunnah. Rather the Sunnah is to do the opposite. 
Allaah allows us to eat until dawn:  
"and eat and drink until the white thread (light) of dawn appears to you 
distinct from the black thread (darkness of night)" [al-Baqarah 2:187]

And the Prophet (pbuh) said: "eat and drink until you hear the adhaan 
of Ibn Umm Maktoom, for he does not give the adhaan until dawn comes."

This imsaak which some of the people do is an addition to what Allah has
prescribed, so it is false. It is a kind of extremism in religion, and the 
Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said:

"Those who go to extremes are doomed, those who go to extremes 
are doomed, those who go to extremes are doomed." 

11 : Not fasting if they missed Suhoor:
Some people are too scared to fast if they miss Suhoor. However, 
this is a kind of cowardice and love of ease. What is the big deal 
if you missed a few morsels of food? Its not like you will die. Remember, 
obedience to Allah overcomes everything.

12 : Saying the intention to fast out loud or saying 
a specific dua to start fasting:

The intention is an action of the heart. We should resolve in our heart 
that we are going to fast tomorrow. That is all we need. It is not prescribed 
by the Shariah for us to say out loud, "I intend to fast", "I will fast tomorrow"
or other phrases that have been innovated by some people. Also, there is 
no specific dua to be recited at the time of starting the fast in the correct Sunnah. Whatever dua you may see on some papers or Ramadan calendars, etc. is a Bidah.

13 : Delaying breaking fast:

Some people wait until the adhaan finishes or even several minutes after that, 
just to be on the safe side. However, the Sunnah is to hasten to break the fast,
which means breaking fast whenever the adhaan starts, right after the sun has set. 
Aaishah (RA) said: This is what the Messenger of Allaah (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) 
used to do. (Muslim)

The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said:  
"The people will continue to do well so long as they hasten to break the fast." (Bukhaari, Muslim)

Determine to the best of your ability, the accuracy of your clock, calendar, etc. 
and then have tawakkul on Allah and break your fast exactly on time.

14 : Eating continuously until the time for Maghreb is up

Some people put so much food in their plates when breaking their fast and 
continue eating, enjoying dessert, drinking tea, etc., until they miss Maghrib. 
That is obviously not right. The Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) was that once 
he broke his fast with some dates, them he would hasten to the prayer.
Once you are done with the prayer, you can always go back and eat some 
more if you wish.

15 : Missing the golden chance of having your Dua accepted:

The prayer of the fasting person is guaranteed to be accepted 
at the time of breaking fast.

The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said:  
"Three prayers are not rejected: the prayer of a father, 
the prayer of a fasting person, and the prayer of a traveler." 
(al-Bayhaqi, saheeh by al-Albaani).

Instead of sitting down and making Dua at this precious time, some 
people forego this beautiful chance, and are too busy frying samosas, 
talking, setting the food, filling their plates and glasses, etc. Think about it
....Is food more important than the chance to have your sins forgiven or 
the fulfillment of your Duas.

16 : Fasting but not praying:

The fasting of one who does not pray WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 
This is because not praying constitutes kufr as the Prophet 
(Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said:  
"Between a man and shirk and kufr there stands his giving up prayer." 

In fact, NONE of his good deeds will be accepted; rather, 
they are all annulled.

"Whoever does not pray Asr, his good deeds will be annulled." 

17 : Fasting and not wearing Hijaab:
Not wearing the Hijaab is a major sin as it is obligatory for Muslim women. 
(See Surah Nur, Surah Ahzaab). So fasting and not wearing hijaab certainly 
takes away enormously from the rewards of fasting, 
even if does not invalidate it.

18 : Not fasting because of exams or work:

Exams or work is NOT one of the excuses allowed by the Shariah to not fast. 
You can do your studying and revision at night if it is too hard to do that 
during the day. Also remember that pleasing and obeying Allaah is much 
more important than good grades. Besides, if you will fulfil your obligation 
to fast, even if you have to study, Allaah will make it easy for you and help
you in everything you do.

"Whosoever fears Allah, He will appoint for him a way out and provide for him 
from where he does not expect, Allah is Sufficient for whosoever puts his trust
in Him." 
(Surah at-Talaaq 2-3)

19 : Mixing fasting and dieting:
DO NOT make the mistake of fasting with the intention to diet. 
That is one of the biggest mistakes some of us make (esp. sisters). 
Fasting is an act of worship and can only be for the sake of Allah alone.

Otherwise, mixing it with the intention of dieting may become 
a form of (minor) Shirk.

20 : Fighting over the number of Rakaah of Taraweeh :
There is no specific number of rakahs for Taraweeh prayer, rather 
it is permissible to do a little or a lot. Both 8 and 20 are okay. 
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen said: 
"No one should be denounced for praying eleven or twenty-three (rakaah), 
because the matter is broader in scope than that, praise be to Allah."

21 : Praying ONLY on the night of the 27th

Some people pray ONLY on the 27th to seek Lailat ul-Qadr, neglecting 
all other odd nights, although the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam)
"Seek Lailat ul-Qadr among the odd numbered nights of 
the last ten nights of Ramadan." 
(Bukhaari, Muslim).

22 : Wasting the last part of Ramadan preparing for Eid

Some people waste the entire last 10 days of Ramadaan preparing for Eid, 
shopping and frequenting malls, etc. neglecting Ibadah and Lailatul Qadr. 
although, the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) used to strive the
hardest during the last ten days of Ramadaan in worship (Ahmad, Muslim) 
and not in shopping. Buy whatever you need for Eid before Ramadaan 
so that you can utilize the time in Ramadaan to the max.

Aaishah (RA) said: "When the (last) ten nights began, the Messenger
of Allaah (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam)) would tighten his waist-wrapper 
(i.e., strive hard in worship or refrain from intimacy with his wives),
stay awake at night and wake his family." 
(Bukhaari and Muslim).

23 : Iftaar parties

Although inviting each other for breaking fast is something good 
and encouraged, some people go to extremes with lavish Iftaar parties 
with all sorts of disobedience to Allaah, from flirting, mixing of 
the sexes and hijaab-less women, to show-off and extravagance, to
heedlessness to Salaah, and Taraweeh.

Hadith:Fasting is for Allah

Abu Huraira (radi'Allahu anhu) reported
Allah's messenger (sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam) as saying:

Allah, the Majestic and the Exalted, said:

"Every act of the son of Adam is for him
except fasting.It is done for My sake,
and I will give a reward for it..."

(Sahih Muslim) (Book #006, Hadith #2564)

Abu Huraira (Radi'Allahu anhu) se rewayat hai ki,
RasoolAllah (Sall'Allahu alaihi wa sallam) ne farmaaya:

Allah Subhanuhu wa Ta`ala Farmaatay Hain,
"Aulaad-e-Aadam ke tamaam amal us ke liye hain,
siwaye Roze ke; Roza Mere liye hai,
aur Main hi Roze ki Jaza doon ga.."

(Sahih Muslim) (Book #006, Hadith #2564)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hadith: Blessings Upon Those Who Eat Sahoor..

Commentary :

Note: How great is Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) 's favor upon us
that even eating before dawn for fasting is so greatly rewarded.
There are many Ahadith in which the virtues of Sahoor are explained
and the rewards promised. Allama al-Ainee-the commentator
Saheeh of Bukhari has quoted the virtues of Sahoor from seventeen
different Sahabah and all the Ulama are agreed on its being referred.

Many people are deprived of this great reward because of their own
laziness. Some even go so far as to finish Taraweeh,
eat some food in lieu of Sahoor and go to bed.
What great blessing do they lose! Because Sahoor actually means
food eaten shortly before dawn.

Hadith: When Ramadan Begins..

                                  "When Ramadan begins,the gates of Jannah are opened,
                            the gates of Hell are closed,and the devils are chained.''

                                              [Bukhari and Muslim].

                       This is a special distinction of the month of Ramadan during
                which Muslims become more inclined towards the worship of Allah.
                 They pay greater attention to the recitation of the Qur'an,
                     remembrance of Allah, worship, and seeking pardon for sins.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Burai Ko Mitaane Ramadan Aaya Hai

Burai Ko Mitaane Ramadan Aaya Hai
Allah Se Milaane Ramadan Aaya Hai

Maafi Gunaahon Se Yahaan Milegi
Neki Duaaon Se Yahan Milegi

Allah Se Milaane Ramadan Aaya Hai
Rahmaton Ki Barsaat Yahan Hogi

Suhani Har Raat Yahan Hogi
Allah Se Milaane Ramadan Aaya Hai

Shaitaan Ko Azaadi Nahi Hogi
Insaan Ko Azaadii Yahin Hogi

Allah Se Milaane Ramadan Aaya Hai
Paet Bhuka Aur Zubaan Par Sachai Hogi

Khuda Dil Mein Aur Sirf Achai Hogi 
Allah Se Milaane Ramadan Aaya Hai

Mohabbat Rozdaaron Ki Khuda Se Hogi
Khuda Ki Mohabbat Rozdaaron Se Hogi


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ramadan Mubarak Cards and SMS Shayaris

Woh Sehri Ki Thandak.
Woh Iftaar Ki Ronak.
Woh Asmaan Ka Noor.
Woh Taroon Ki Chamak.
Woh Masjidoon Ka Sawarna.
Woh Minaaroo Ka Chamakna.
Woh Musalamaanoo Ki Dhoom.
Woh Farishtoo Ka Hujooom.

A Glass of Care
A Plate of Love
A Spoon of Peace
A Fork of Truth
A Bowl of Duaas.
Mix with spices of QURAAN.
Enjoy This Meal.

The month of Ramdhaan, in which the QUR'AAN was revealed,
A guidance for mankind & clear proofs
for the quidance & criterion(between right & wrong).
So whoever of you is present during this month should observe its

Ramadan ka chand daikha,
Rozay ki dua mangi,
Roshan sitara daikha,
Aap ki khairiat ki dua mangi,
May Almight Allah bless you with his
blessing in the holy month of Ramadan

As the cresent moon is sighted

And the holy month of Ramadan beings
May Allah bless you with happiness
and grace your home with warmth & peace !

Wishing u 1 month of Ramadan,

4 weeks of Barkat,
30 days of Forgiveness,
720 hours of Guidance,
43200 minutes of Purification,
2592000 secs of Nuur..!!
Ramadan Mubarak

Be-zabano ko jub wo zaban deta hay,
Parhne ko phir wo QURAN deta hay,
Bakshne pay aata hay jub ummat k gunahon ko,
Tohfay mein gunahgaron ko RAMAZAN deta hai

R Rozay Rakho
A Allah sy daro
M Masjid ko jaoo
Z Zakat Doo
A Aamaal achy karo
N Namaz parho
mujay dua main yaad rakho

YA ALLAH   Ramadan Mubarak Ke Ibtida Hai
Hamay Ziada Se Ziada Nekian Kamanay
Or buraiyon Se Dur
Hone Ki toufeeq Ata Farmaa.

Welcome Ramadan
Walk humbly
Talk politely
Dress neatly
Treat kindly
Pray attentively
Donate generously
May ALLAH bless & protect you

When Starting To Do Something :Say BISM ALLAH
When Intending to do something :Say INSHA ALLAH
When Something is being praised :Say SUBHAN ALLAH
When in pain and distress Say:Say Ya Allah
When Expressing Appreciation :Say MASH ALLAH
When Thanking Someone: Say JAZAK ALLAH

Prayer is an open line to Heaven.
No cards to use, no low battery problem, no error,
No charging, always good signal and all messages sent.
Make prayer a habit like Texting.

ATTENTION!! Stop talking at the time of AZAAN

Bcoz- Jo AZAN khamoshi se nehi sunta
Mot ka time us ki Zuban se KAlma Tayiba jari Nehi hota

God said don't look around because you'll be impressed,
Don't look down you'll be depressed,
Just look to me all the time and you'll be blessed