Monday, September 27, 2010

Qur'anic Verse of the Day: Al-Baqarah ~ Verse - 272..

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate!

  O Prophet,
you are not responsible for their guidance;
Allah Himself shows guidance to anyone He pleases.
And whatever wealth you spend in charity,
it is for your own good.
As you spend of your wealth to win Allah's pleasure,
you will be given full reward for whatever you spend
and you will not be deprived
in the least of your rightful due.*1

(Surah-2 Al-Baqarah ~ Ayah-272)


*1- In the beginning Muslims tended to hesitate in helping
either their non-Muslim relatives
or other non-Muslims who were in need.
 They thought that helping Muslims only constituted
'spending in the way of Allah'.
This verse rejects this attitude.
The purpose of this verse is to point out that
Muslims are not responsible for forcing true guidance
down the throats of people;
conveying the message of Truth to people
absolves them of the obligation incumbent upon them.
It is, then, for Allah either to favour
the recipients of the message with true perception or not.

In addition Muslims should not shrink
from helping their relatives
in the affairs of the world on the ground that
they are not following the true guidance;
they will be rewarded by Allah for whatever help they render
to needy persons for the sake of Allah.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Qur'anic Verse of the Day: Al-Baqarah ~ Verse - 270-271

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate!
Surely Allah knows whatever you may have spent
and whatever vow you may have made,and the wrong-doers
(who spend in the way of Satan) shall have no helpers.*1"

"If you practise charity publicly, it is good;
but if you give charity secretly to the needy,
it is much better for you,*2 for this will expiate 
many of your sins.*3 Any how, Allah is well aware of
whatever you do."

(Surah-2 Al-Baqarah ~ Ayah-270-271)


*1- Whether or not a man spends in the way of Allah, and 
whether or not he vows to spend in the way of Allah, 
Allah is fully aware both of his intentions and deeds. 
All those who either spend for the sake of Allah or 
vow to spend for the sake of Allah will be adequately rewarded. 
As for those who have either spent or have vowed to spend for 
others than Allah, no one will save them from Allah's chastisement.

'Vow' means either a man's pledge to spend something or 
to perform some act of goodness which is not obligatory 
on him providing a particular wish of his is fulfilled. 

Provided that this vow is related to some wish which is in 
itself permissible and good and that the person concerned 
makes it to none but Allah and for the sake of Allah, then 
such a vow will be reckoned as an act of obedience to Allah
 and its fulfillment will be worthy of reward. Otherwise such 
a vow will be seen as an act of disobedience and sin and its 
fulfillment will invite punishment from Allah.

*2- If charity is of an obligatory nature it is preferable to 
dispense it openly. Non-obligatory charity should preferably 
be dispensed secretly. This principle applies to all acts. 
As a rule, it is more meritorious to perform obligatory acts 
openly and non-obligatory acts of goodness, secretly.

*3- The performance of good deeds in secret leads to 
the continual improvement of one's life and character. 
One's good qualities develop fully and one's bad qualities 
gradually wither away. This makes a man so acceptable 
to Allah that He pardons the sins that he might have committed.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Top 10 Most Beautiful Mosques in The World

                              Here’s a list of most beautiful mosques in the world.
                                  Mosques is place for praying for Muslim. Usually
                      mosques was built in the countries with lot of Muslim population.
                 It means that those beautiful mosques is located in those countries.
                The criteria of these chosen mosques are based on the large of area,
                               history, facilities and functionality of those mosques.
                         Let’s take a look at those most beautiful mosques in the world

1. Al Haram Mosque, Mecca, Saudi Arabia:

Al Haram mosque is the largest mosque in the world.
The mosque located in the city of Mecca, around the Ka’aba,
where Muslims pray toward it. The mosque is considered
the holiest place on Earth by Muslims. The mosque is also
known as the biggest Mosque. Current structure covers
an area of 400,800 square meters (99.0 acres), including
outdoor and indoor praying spaces and can accommodate
up to 4 million people during the period of the Hajj,
one of the largest annual worship of the Muslim in the world.


2. Al Nabawi Mosque, Medina, Saudi Arabia

Al-Nabawi mosque is the second holiest mosque in Islam and
the second largest mosque in the world after the al-Haram mosque
in Mecca. One of the most important place of this mosque is
Green Dome (the center of the mosque), where the tomb of
the Prophet Muhammad is located. It is not unknown when
the green dome was built but a manuscript dating to
the early 12th century explain about the dome.

3. Al Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, Israel/Palestine

Al-Aqsa Mosque ( mean the farthest mosque), also known as Al-Aqsa,
 is an Islamic shrine in the old city of Jerusalme. In the mosque itself
is part of Al-Haram ash-Sharif or “Sacred Noble Sanctuary”
(together with the Dome of the Rock), a site which is also
known as Temple Mount as the holiest site in Judaism,
because it is believed to be The Temple of Jerusalem once stood.
The mosque is widely regarded as the third holiest site in Islam.
Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad was transported
from the Sacred Mosque in Mecca to the Al-Aqsa Mosque
during the Night Journey. Islamic tradition states that
Muhammad led prayers toward this mosque until
the seventeenth month after the emigration,
when God ordered him to turn to the Ka’aba.

4) Zahir mosque Kedah Malaysia:

The mosque was built in 1912, funded by Tunku Mahmud,
son of the Sultan Tajuddin Mukarram Shah. This mosque is
the tomb of Kedah warriors who had died while defending Kedah
from Siam in 1821. The architecture from the mosque inspired
by AZIZI Mosque in the city of Langkat in north Sumatra, Indonesia.
 The mosque was founded with five large domes symbolizing
the five main principles of Islam.

5) Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque:
Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque is the royal mosque for
Brunei Sultanate located in Bandar Seri Begawan, capital of
the Sultanate of Brunei. The mosque is classified as one of
the most spectacular mosques in the Asia Pacific region and
become a major attraction for tourists. Sultan
Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque is considered amongst
the people of Brunei as a landmark of their country.
6. Taj’ul Mosque, Bhopal, India:
                          Taj’ul mosque, is a mosque located in Bhopal, India.
                                    This is one of the largest mosques in Asia.
                         This mosque is also used as a madrasa (Islamic school)
                          in the afternoon.

7. Baiturrahman Mosque, Banda Aceh, Indonesia:

               Baiturrahman Mosque is a mosque located in downtown of
               Banda Aceh, Indonesia. This mosque is a mosque that formerly
               was a mosque of the Sultanate of Aceh.

            When the Dutch attacked the city of Banda Aceh in 1873,
            the mosque was burned, and the Netherlands rebuild a mosque
            as its successor. This single-domed mosque can be completed
            on December 27, 1883. This mosque further extended to
            3 dome in 1935.
          And lastly expanded again into 5 domes in 1959 to 1968.

       This mosque is one of the most beautiful mosques in Indonesia,
       which has a nice shape, carving an attractive, spacious yard and
       was very cool when was in the room of the mosque.

8. Sultan Mosque, Singapore:

        Sultan Mosque, located at Muscat Street and North Bridge Road
      in Kampong Glam Rochor District in Singapore is still considered
              one of the most important mosque in Singapore.

    Sultan mosque has stayed essentially unchanged since it was built,
       only with improvements made to the main hall in 1960 and
       annex added in 1993. It set as a national monument on
       March 14th 1975.

9. Faisal Mosque, Islamabad, Pakistan :

                 Faisal Mosque in Islamabad is the biggest mosque in south east
                  and southern Asia and the fourth largest mosque in the world.
                  It was the largest mosque in the world of 1986-1993 before
              defeated measure by the completion of the Mosque of Hassan II
           in Casablanca, Morocco and after the expansion of Masjid Al-Haram
                       (Grand Mosque) of Mecca and the Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi
                     (Prophet’s Mosque) in Medina, Saudi Arabia in the 1990s.

10. Baitul Mukarram Mosque, Dhaka City, Bangladesh:
  This mosque is the National Mosque of Bangladesh.
          Located in the heart of Dhaka city, capital of Bangladesh,
          This mosque was founded in the 1960s.

has a capacity of 30,000 people, this mosque is
    The top 10 biggest mosque in the world, but still this mosque is
 too full for Muslim worship there. Because of this,
Bangladesh government has decided to add more area for the mosque.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Beautiful Hadith of Imam Hussain A.S On Life of This World

Imam Hussain (as) was asked: 

O 'the son of the prophet how is life going on? 
Imam replied: Life is going on , 
in such a way that I have a God over me, 
the hell-fire in front of me , 
death is looking for me, 
there is no escape of the Day of Judgement, 
I am taken as a hostage by my own deeds, 
things do not turn out to be the way I like , 
I cannot repel what I hate, 
The affairs are in someone else's hands. 
He tortures me if he likes and he forgives if he wishes. 
Therefore, is there anybody poorer than me? 

(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 116)

Hadith :Avoiding Sins

A man came to Imam Hussain (A.S) and said: I am a sinful man
and can't avoid doing sin, please advise me.

Imam Husayn ibn ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib (as) said:

"If you can do these five things, then commit sin as much you like.

First of all: don’t eat the sustenance of God
and commit sin as much you like.

Second: go beyond the domain of God
and commit sin as much you like.

Third: seek a site where God can not observe you
and commit sin as much you like.

Fourth :if the Angel of death comes to you to take away your soul,
expel him away from yourself and commit sin as much you like.

Fifth: If the Angel of Hell was about to throw you into the hell-fire,
stop him and commit sin as much you like".

[Reference: Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 126]


Friday, September 17, 2010

Surah-2 Al-Baqarah ~ Verse: 268-269

"In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate!

Satan holds out to you the threat of poverty
and prompts you to adopt a shameless
niggardly conduct, but Allah holds out from Himself
the promise of pardon and bounty:
Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.

He bestows wisdom upon anyone He wills,
and he who is given wisdom is in fact given
 great wealth,*1 but only those who have
common sense learn lessons from these things. "

(Surah-2 Al-Baqarah ~ Ayah-268-269)


*1- 'Wisdom' signifies sound perception and sound judgement.
The purpose of this statement is to point out that one who is
possessed of wisdom will follow Allah's path rather than 
that of Satan.

The followers of Satan believe that it is the height of wisdom
 and shrewdness to be constantly concerned with saving out 
of one's earnings, and to be perpetually on the look-out 
for higher income. But for those endowed with Divine 
perception such an attitude is sheer folly.

True wisdom consists in using one's resource moderately to
meet one's needs and in spending whatever is left for
charitable purposes. It may be possible for a person
who does not spend for charitable purposes to attain
a much greater degree of worldly prosperity than others.

The life of this world, however, is only a fraction of man's
total life which is not limited to the confines of this world.
One who risks the well-being of his eternal existence for
the sake of highly transient well-being in this world is
indeed a fool. The truly wise person is he who makes
full use of the tenure of this life and invests his resources
in prosperity in this life that will never cease.

Qur'anic Verse : Al-Baqarah Verse: 266

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate!

Would anyone of you wish that he should have
a green garden of palm trees and vines,
watered by canals and laden with all sorts of fruit
and then it should be consumed by a fiery whirlwind
at the very time when he himself has grown very old
and his small children are too feeble to earnanything?*1

Thus Allah makes His revelations clear & plain to you
that you may ponder over them.

(Surah-2 Al-Baqarah ~ Ayah-266)

*1 - It is obvious that a man does not like to see the 
earnings of his lifetime destroyed in his old age, 
when he needs them badly and when he can 
no longer earn.

How is it, then, that he can contemplate stepping 
into the realm of the Hereafter and finding suddenly
that he is empty-handed; that he has sown nothing 
from which he can reap the fruit?

In the Next World there will be no opportunity to begin 
earning a new. Whatever one can do towards ensuring 
one's well-being in the Hereafter must be done in this world.

If one devotes oneself totally to the pursuit of the riches 
of this world rather than to the Hereafter,one's situation 
will be as pitiable as that of the age-stricken man whose 
orchard (his source of income in his old age) is reduced 
to ashes too late for him to produce a new one.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hadith: Allah ka khauff aur Allah ki bakhsish

Urdu Translation :

Abu Saeed khudhri radi allaho anho se rivayat hai ki 
Rasoollallah sallallaho alaihey wasallam ne farmaya 
ek shakhs tha ki jisko Allah taala ne maal aur aulad 
diya tha usney apni aulad se kaha tum wo kaam karna 
jo main hukm deta hun warna main apni maal ka waris
aur kisi ko kar dunga,jab main mar jauu to mujhe jalana
phir peesna aur hawa mein uda dena kyunki mainey 

Allah subhanahu ke paas koi aagey neki nahi bheji hai 
aur jab allah ALLAH mujh par Qudrat payega to mujhe 
azab karega phir usney is baat ka iqraar apni aulad se 
liya, unhoney aisa hi kiya jab wo mar gaya Qasam mere 
Rab ki , Allah ne farmaya tuney aisa kyun kiya wo bola 
( Ya Allah) tere darr se , phir Allah taala ne usko kuch 
azab na diya

( Reported in Sahih Muslim , 6984)

English Translation :
Abu Sa'id Khudri radiallahoanho reported that Allah's Messenger 
(may peace be upon him) said 

"that a person amongst the earlier nations before you was conferred 
property and children by Allah, He said to his children: 'You must 
do as I command you to do, 

otherwise I will make others besides you as my inheritors. 
As I die, burn my body and blow my ashes in the wind as I do not 
find any merit of mine which would please Allah, and if Allah 
were to take hold of me, He would punish me. He took a pledge 
from them and they did as he commanded thein to do. 

Allah said: What prompted you to do this? He said: My Lord. 
Thine fear, and Allah did not punish him at all.

 Sahih Muslim , Book 037, Number 6640:

Monday, September 13, 2010

There is no obedience to anyone in disobedience to Allah

Sayyiduna Ali (RadhiAllaho anho) narrates
  that Rasulullah (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam) said:
"There is no obedience to anyone
                             in disobedience to Allah-Jallah jalalahu.
                             Obedience is only in what is good."

                                         {Reported in Abu Dawud}

Friday, September 10, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

World's Smallest Handwritten Holy Quran

The smallest handwritten complete version of the Holy Quran ever made.
measuring 2.4cm x 1.9cm, inherited by Abed Rabbo from his great grandmother,
dates back to the Ottoman era and contains 604 pages decorated with gold ink.

Lebanese Muslim Hassan Abed Rabbo inspects with a magnifying glass
what he says is the smallest handwritten complete version of the Holy Quran
ever made at his house in Beirut.

Abed Rabbo inspects with a magnifying glass what he says is
the smallest handwritten complete version of the Holy Quran Even Made.

Rabbo holds what he says is the smallest handwritten complete version
of the Holy Quran ever made at his house in Beirut.

A picture taken in Beirut at the house of Lebanese Muslim Hassan Abed Rabbo
shows what he says is the smallest handwritten complete version
of the Holy Quran ever made sitting on top of another copy of
the Holy Quran at his house.

A picture of the smallest handwritten complete version of the Holy Quran
ever made placed on top of another copy of the Holy Quran

The smallest handwritten complete version of the Holy Quran
ever made the residence of Abed Rabb

Abed Rabbo measures what he says is the smallest handwritten
complete version of the Holy Quran ever made at his house in Beirut.

Rabbo holds what he says is the smallest handwritten complete version
of the Holy Quran ever made.

Hassan Abed Rabbo with the smallest handwritten complete version of
the Holy Quran

Hassan Abed Rabbo inspects with a magnifiying glass what he says is
the smallest handwritten complete version of the Holy Quran
ever made at his house in Beirut.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hadith: Zakat-ul-Fitr





[Sahih Bukhari : Volume 2, Book 25 Zakat ul Fitr, Number 579]

Narrated Ibn Umar (RadiAllah Anhu) Allah's Apostle
(sal-Allahu-alleihi-wasallam)enjoined the payment of one Sa' of
Dates or one Sa' of barley as Zakat-ul-Fitr
on every Muslim slave or free, male or female, young or old,
and he ordered that it be paid before the people went out
to offer the 'Id prayer.

(One Sa' = 3 Kilograms approx.)

[Sahih Muslim : Book 5 Kitab Al-Zakat, Number 2153]

Abdullah bin Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) reported that the
Messenger of Allah (sal-Allahu-alleihi-wasallam)prescribed
Zakat-ul-Fitr of Ramadan or one sa' of barley

for every individual among the Muslims
(whether) free man or slave,
male or female, young or old.

[Sahih Bukhari : Volume 2, Book 25 Zakat ul Fitr,

Number 588]

Narrated Ibn 'Umar (Radi Allah Anhu):
Allah's Apostle (sal-Allahu-alleihi-wasallam)
has made Sadaqatul-Fitr obligatory, (and it was),either one Sa' of barley
or one Sa' of (and its payment was obligatory)on young and old people,
and on free men as well as on slaves.

[Sahih Muslim : Book 5 Kitab Al-Zakat, 2159]

Ibn 'Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) reported that
the Messenger of Allah(sal-Allahu-alleihi-wasallam)
ordered that the Sadaqat-ul-Fitr should be paid
before the people go out for prayer.

[Sahih Bukhari : Volume 2, Book 25 Zakat ul Fitr,

Narrated Ibn 'Umar (Radi Allah Anhu):

The Prophet (sal-Allahu-alleihi-wasallam)ordered the people
to pay Zakat-ul-Fitr before going to the 'Id prayer.
Ibn 'Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) reported that
the Messenger of Allah(sal-Allahu-alleihi-wasallam)
ordered that the Sadaqat-ul-Fitr should be paid
before the people go out for prayer.

[Sahih Bukhari : Volume 2, Book 25 Zakat ul Fitr, 587]

Narrated Nafi': Ibn 'Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) said,
"The Prophet (sal-Allahu-alleihi-wasallam)
made incumbent on every male or female, free man or slave,
the payment of one Sa' of or barley as Sadaqat-ul-Fitr
(or said Sadaqa-Ramadan) ."

The people then substituted half Sa' of wheat for that.

Ibn 'Umar used to give dates (as Sadaqat-ulFitr) .
Once there was scarcity of dates in Medina
and Ibn 'Umar gave barley. 'And Ibn 'Umar used to give
Sadaqat-ul-Fitr for every young and old person.
He even used to give on behalf of my children.
Ibn 'Umar used to give Sadaqatul-Fitr
to those who had been officially appointed for its collection.
People used to give Sadaqat-ul-Fitr (even) a day or two before the 'Id.

"Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun
tuh'ibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'annee -

"O Allah! You are forgiving, and you love forgiveness. 
So forgive me."

Aameen, Ya Rabb-ul-Aalameen!