Monday, February 28, 2011

Rights of Neighbors in Islam part-2

Worship Allah and join none with Him (in worship); and 
do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, Al-Masakin (the poor), 
the neighbor who is near of kin, the neighbor who is 
a stranger, the companion by your side, the wayfarer 
(you meet), and those (slaves) whom your right hands possess. 
(Noble Qur'an, 4:36)

Sayyed Jawad Ameli, a great Mujtahid, was having his dinner
when someone knocked at his door. A servant from his master, 
Ayatullah Sayyed Mehdi Bahrul Uloom, appeared and said: 
"Your master has sent for you to come immediately. He has 
just sat down for his dinner but refuses to eat until he sees you."

There was no time to lose. Sayyed Jawad Ameli left his dinner 
and rushed to Ayatullah Sayyed Mehdi Bahrul Uloom's residence. 
Just as he entered, the master looked disapprovingly at him 
and said: "Sayyed Jawad! You have no fear of Allah! Don't you 
feel ashamed in front of Allah?"

This came as a shock to him, as he could not remember doing 
anything to incur the wrath of his master. Sayyed Jawad Ameli 
said: "My master may guide me where I have failed."

Ayatullah Sayyed Mehdi Bahrul Uloom replied: "It is now a week 
that your neighbor and his family are without wheat and rice. 
He was trying to buy some dates from a shop on credit but 
the shopkeeper refused to grant him any more credit. 
He returned home empty-handed and the family is without 
a morsel of food."

Sayyed Jawad Ameli was taken by surprise. "By Allah", he said, 
"I have no knowledge about this." That is why I am displeased 
all the more.

How can you be unaware of your own neighbor? Seven days of 
difficulties have passed and you tell me you do not know about it. 
Well, If you had known and ignored him despite your knowledge, 
then you would not even he a Muslim," 

Ayatullah Sayyed Mehdi Bahrul Uloom adjoined. Then he instructed 
him to take all the dishes of food before him to his neighbor. 
"Sit with him to eat, so that he does not feel ashamed. And 
take this sum for his future ration. Place it under his pillow or 
carpet so that he is not humiliated, and inform me when 
this work is completed, for not until then shall I eat."

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, 
"There are Three categories of neighbours. First: one who has 
Three rights upon you. This is the one who is a Muslim neighbour 
and also a relative. Second: One who has two rights. 
A Muslim neighbour and third: The Kafir neighbour who has only 
the rights of a neighbour."

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rights of Neighbors in Islam

Noble Qur'an tells us that all of mankind is descended 
from one couple, Adam and Eve. Thus we are 
all brothers and sisters, and our differences in languages 
and colors are but a mercy that we might know one another. 
Language and race should never be a reason for 
discriminating against people.

A Muslim should maintain good relations with his relatives, 
but he should not unjustly favor them over others. Further, 
a Muslim must be good to his neighbors, no matter their 
religion. But the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught us that 
a "neighbor" is not just the one next door but includes all 
those up to forty houses in all directions - effectively 
a whole neighborhood.

An Ansar (emigrant) came to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and 
said that he has recently purchased a house in a particular area 
and that his nearest person was such that he had no hope of 
any goodness from him and that he felt unsafe from his mischief. 

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) told 
Imam Ali (as), Salman Al-Farsi,Abu Zar Ghaffari and 
Miqdad ibn Aswad to go to the Mosque and announce: 
"He is not a believer whose neighbour is unsafe from his mischief." 
They announced it thrice and then to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 
pointed towards forty doors to his right and forty to the left 
indicating that forty houses in every direction constitute ones 
neighbourhood. One is obliged to observe their rights.

This concern for our neighbors can take many forms. It means to 
ensure that our neighbors have the basic necessities, for a Muslim 
should not eat if his or her neighbor is going hungry. It means that 
Muslims should wish for their neighbors what they wish for themselves. 
It means sharing their happiness and sorrow. Further, it means to 
not spy on them and respect their privacy, to not gossip about them, 
to not harm them in any way, and to keep common use areas - 
such as apartment building entrances, streets and sidewalks - clean.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was told 
of a woman who prayed during night and fasted a lot during day and 
gave alms generously, but whose neighbors complained of her 
abusive tongue. He said that she would be in Hellfire. 

When Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was 
told of another woman who did not do all those extra acts of 
worship other than just compulsory (Wajib) but whose neighbors 
were happy with her, he said that she would be in Paradise. 
Thus we see the importance of being good to our neighbors, 
both in actions and words.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) on the rights 
of the neighbour, said: "It is to help him if he asks your help, 
to lend him if he asks to borrow from you, to satisfy his needs 
if he becomes poor, to console him if he is visited by an affliction, 
to congratulate him if is met with good fortune, to visit him 
if he becomes ill, to attend his funeral if he dies, not to make 
your house higher than his without his consent lest you deny him 
the breeze, to offer him fruit when you buy some or to take it 
to your home secretly if you do not do that, nor to send out 
your children with it so as not to upset his children, nor to 
bother him by the tempting smell of your food unless you send 
him some." The Scale of Wisdom, P.234/235 no.1308

Imam Ali (as) says: A person is either your brother in faith, or 
your equal in humanity.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Clever Fisherman and The King

As King Parveez and Queen Shireen were sitting in 
their palace one day, a fisherman who was selling 
beautiful fish was brought in front of them. 

King Parveez decided to buy a fish and gave the 
fisherman 4000 dirham for it. The fisherman was 
overjoyed. He thanked King Parveez and left.

Queen Shireen turned to her husband in anger and 
scolded him for paying so much for a fish. 
King Parveez let her have her say but said that 
the fish was purchased and that there was nothing 
that could be done about it.

However, the Queen Shireen was adamant and 
insisted that the fisherman be brought back.

"We will ask the fisherman about the gender of the fish," 
she said. "If he answers that it is female, we will say that 
we wanted a male fish and if his response is that it is male, 
we will say that we wanted a female fish! Either way, 
we will be able to return the fish and have our money back."

So the poor fisherman was called back and was asked 
the question. Fortunately, he was clever enough not to 
be caught out. Fisherman replied, "This fish is unique in 
the sense that it is neutral i.e., it's neither male nor female."

King Parveez was so impressed by the ingenuity of the man 
that he ordered a further 4000 dirham to be paid to him. 
The fisherman thanked the King Parveez again but as he 
was about to leave with the heavy bag of money, one of 
the coins fell onto the floor. The fisherman immediately 
bent down to look for the coin. Queen Shireen was 
already upset that the fisherman had been given 8000 dirham.

"Look how miserly this man is!" the Queen Shireen exclaimed. 
"One coin has fallen out of his bag full of money and he 
searches for it instead of leaving it for some other poor
 servant to find."

The fisherman heard this remark and said, "O Queen, 
it is not out of miserliness that I search for the coin but 
rather because it had the picture of generous King Parveez
 on it. I would not tolerate anyone to cause dishonour to 
the King Parveez by treading on the coin."

King Parveez was so flattered with this response that he 
immediately called for another 4000 dirham to be given to 
the fisherman. When Queen Shireen saw all this, she thought 
it was better to hold her tongue and let the fisherman go 
with the 12000 dirham before the King decided to increase 
the amount again.

Lessons from Life: Speech is an Art. If one knows what, 
when and how to talk then such a person will be successful 
in life.

Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has said, "The beauty of man 
is in the clarity of his tongue."

Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (as) has said, "Your tongue is 
the translator of your intellect."

Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (as) has said, "The most foolish person
 is one, who considers himself the wisest!"

Imam Hossein (as) has said, "Wisdom of a human being will 
attain the highest level only by following the truth."

Imam Jafar Sadegh (as) has said, "A wise man will not be 
bitten twice by the same snake in a hole!"

Imam Jafar Sadegh (as) has said, "The most knowledgeable 
person is one who runs away from ignorant people."

Imam Musa Kazem (as) has said, "The sleep of a wise man 
is far better than vigilance of a fool during the night."

Imam Musa Kazem (as) has said, "Human being has not 
been given anything higher than wisdom and intellect."

In other words, a person's intellect and wisdom is 
recognized through his speech.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Importance of Salah in Islam

Allah (SWT) has said in the Noble Qur'an: "I have 
not created the jinn and humankind for any other 
purpose except that they should worship Me." 

(Noble Qur'an 51:56)

It is clear from the above verse of Noble Qur'an that 
the purpose of our birth and of our life is no other 
than that of the worship of Allah (SWT). There are 
many acts of worship (Ibadah, Ibadat) in Islam, and 
Salah is one of the most important obligatory acts.

Salah (Salat, Namaz) is the ritual prayer practiced by 
Muslims in supplication to Allah (SWT). The term is 
commonly used to refer to the five daily prayers, 
which are compulsory upon all mature Muslims. 

Salah (Salat, Namaz) is considered the most important
 act of worship (Ibadah, Ibadat) in Islam and its importance 
is such that under very few circumstances it can be omitted.
Salah (Salat, Namaz) strengthens the foundations of our faith. 
It prepares a person to live the life of goodness and 
obedience to Allah (SWT), and it builds courage and 
determination. Every time we perform Salah, we renew 
our commitments to Allah (SWT) and we rid ourselves 
from worldly pressures five times a day.

According to a Hadith a companion of Holy Prophet Mohammad 
(pbuh) came to him one day and asked him "What is the thing 
that Allah (SWT) loves most?" Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) 
replied "The thing that Allah (SWT) loves most is when his 
people pray Salah on time."

Salah (Salat, Namaz) is a practical sign of obedience to 
the commands of Allah (SWT). Its importance has been 
emphasized about 500 times in the Noble Qur'an.

Once Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) shook a dry branch 
of a tree so that all of the leaves of the branch fell off 
than the Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said "The sins of 
those who pray Salah, drop off as the leaves of this branch 
fell off."

Before Salah, we make Wudu. Wudu (Ablution) is a unique 
way of cleansing certain parts of our body so we are clean 
before bowing down to the one who created us, 
who created the universe the one and only Allah (SWT).

The Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) once asked his 
companions "Tell me if there was a river at the door step 
of one of you in which you washed five times a day 
would any of your dirt remain?" 

When Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) received the reply 
that none of it would remain he then said "That is like 
the five times Salah, with which Allah (SWT) wipes out sin.

The last thing that Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) emphasized
 at his deathbed was Salah. He also said the first thing we will 
have to answer about on the day of judgement is Salah.

While in Salah one communicates with Allah (SWT) and 
experiences his presence. That's why a Hadith says: 
Salah is the Meraj of a Momin(Namaz is called as Meraj-ul-Momineen).

The Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) also said "The key to Heaven 
is Salah. The key to Salah is Purification."

"Namaz is a pillar of Religion. If Namaz is accepted all other deeds 
are accepted. If Namaz is rejected then all other Deeds 
are rejected." 

(Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh))

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

No Escape From Death.. Real Life Story

Almighty Allah (SWT) made Prophet Solomon / Sulaiman (as) 
King of a vast kingdom, which included His entire creation. 
The Jinn and men obeyed his will and even the birds adhered 
to his commands, to the extent of using their wings to provide
 shelter for him. He was also given many other powers such as 
being able to talk to animals and control the wind so that it 
could carry him wherever he wished to go. 

Prophet Solomon (as) was blessed with an extraordinary power 
of perception and intelligence.

It is narrated that one day, a man entered the court of 
Prophet Solomon (as), looked around at all the people and 
went out again. When the court adjourned, one of the people 
present approached Prophet Sulaiman (as) and asked him 
whether he knew this strange man.

"The person you saw was the angel of death (Izrael)" replied 
Prophet Solomon (as). The man was taken aback and 
looked worried.

"Why was he staring at me as though he wanted to take 
my soul?" he asked.
"What do you want me to do?" enquired Prophet Sulaiman (as).
"O Solomon!" exclaimed the man. "You have power over the wind. 
Command it to transport me to the land of Hind (India)."

As the man was a believer, Prophet Solomon (as) agreed and 
granted his wish. A few days later, Prophet Solomon (as) saw 
the angel of death again. He asked him why he had been staring 
at the man so intently on that particular day.

"O Solomon!" replied the angel of death. "Allah (SWT) commanded 
me to take the soul of that man on the soil of Hind. When I saw 
him sitting in your court, I could not understand how I could 
carry out Allah's order. Nevertheless, as it was a divine command, 
I left for Hind and fortunately found the man there. I took his soul 
as Allah (SWT) had commanded."

There is nothing more certain than death. It is a reality, 
which nobody can escape from. Allah (SWT), the Almighty says: 
"Wherever you may be, death shall overtake you, even if you 
were in fortified towers". Noble Qur'an (4:78)

Imam Ali (as) said: Any breath that a man breathes is a 
step towards death.

Imam Ali (as) said: You are the game that death hunts. 
If you stand still it will seize (catch) you. If you ran (flee) away 
it will overtake you.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cheap Ticket to Paradise

A man from a respectable background came to Balkh 
which is situated in the south of Iran, accompanied by 
his wife and daughters. Shortly after their arrival 
the man fell ill and later died, leaving his wife and daughters. 
Without his support they became poor and suffered. 
So fearing the mockery of enemies, she fled Balkh with her 
daughters to Samarkand.

On the day she arrived the weather was very cold, so she left 
her daughters in a mosque and went out in search of food. 
She passed by two groups of people. One was gathered around 
a Muslim who was the Sheikh and the other group around 
a Zoroastrian (Majusi) who was the security officer of the city.

She first went to the Muslim Sheikh and described her situation 
saying, "I am a woman of a respectable family, with daughters 
whom I have left in the local mosque and I have come in 
search of food." He asked her, "Bring me proof that you are 
from a respectable family." She replied, "I am a stranger in 
this town and therefore do not know anyone to testify for me.
" She departed from him brokenhearted. She then went to 
the Zoroastrian and explained her situation to him, telling him 
about her noble background and her orphaned daughters 
who were, waiting her return in the local mosque. 
She also mentioned to him how the Muslim Sheikh had treated her.

The Zoroastrian stood up and sent some womenfolk to bring her 
daughters and took all of them to his house. There he showered 
them with honour and generosity. He fed them fine food and 
clothed them in rich garments.

That night the Muslim Sheikh saw in a dream the Day of Resurrection 
and the banners were unfurled around Holy Prophet Muhammad 
(Peace be Upon him). Ahead of him, was a green palace made of 
emeralds, its balconies of pearls and rubies and domes of pearls and corals. 
He asked Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon him), 
"Messenger of Allah, for whom is this palace?" 
Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon him) replied, "For a Muslim." 
The Muslim Sheikh replied, "I am a Muslim!" 
Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon him) said, "Prove to me 
that you are a Muslim?" At that, the Muslim Sheikh was dumbstruck. 
Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon him) then said, 
"You asked a woman to produce proof of her respectability and 
therefore my question to you is, can you produce proof that 
you are a Muslim?" At this point the Muslim Sheikh felt remorse 
about his treatment towards the woman and her orphaned daughters.

In the morning, he immediately set out to find the woman. He learnt 
she was staying with the Zoroastrian and so called for him. When 
the Zoroastrian arrived, the Muslim Sheikh requested that he sends 
the woman and her daughters to him. The Zoroastrian replied, 
"Under no circumstance! I have received great blessings from her." 
The Muslim Sheikh said, "Take a thousand dinars from me and
 bring them to me." Zoroastrian shouted, "Impossible! The one who 
showed you the palace in your dream has made it (the palace) for me. 
Are you surprised because I am not a Muslim? By Allah (SWT), 
I did not sleep last night, before I and my family accepted Islam at that 
noble woman's hand and I dreamt something similar to what you dreamt; 
Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon him) asked me, 
"Is that noble woman and her daughters with you?" I replied: 
"Yes, Messenger of Allah." Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon him) 
said, "This palace is for you and your family. Allah (SWT) created you 
a believer in eternity." At that the Muslim Sheikh remained 
sorrowful and grieved for the missed opportunity of earning 
a lofty position in Paradise, due to his neglect of the widowed woman 
and her daughters.

Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon him) has said, 
"The one who strives on behalf of the widow and the needy is like a warrior 
in the path of Allah". (Bukhari and Muslim) May Allah guide us to 
what is right for indeed, He is Generous, the most Kind, and the most Merciful!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Woman in Islam: Role as Mother

Apart from her role as a wife, the Muslim woman has 
a very important role as mother. The status and value
attached to parents in the Muslim world is very high. 

A woman becomes complete when she becomes a mother. 
Enjoying her power of creativity and grade of superiority 
over man, she experiences those precious feelings and senses, 
which nature gives only to woman. There is no doubt that 
as a mother, she is superior to man and is the nucleus of her family!

Noble Qur'an says:
"And your Lord has commanded that you shall not serve (any) but Him, 
and goodness to your parents. If either or both of them reach old age 
with you, say not to them (so much as) "Ugh" nor chide them, and 
speak to them a generous word. And make yourself submissively 
gentle to them with compassion, and say: O my Lord! Have compassion 
on them, as they brought me up (when I was) little.

" Noble Qur'an (17:23-24)

Again Noble Qur'an says:
And We have enjoined man in respect of his parents - his mother bears 
him with faintings upon faintings and his weaning takes two years - 
saying: Be grateful to Me and to both your parents; to Me is the 
eventual coming. And if they contend with you that you should 
associate with Me what you have no knowledge of, do not obey them,
and keep company with them in this world kindly, and follow 
the way of him who turns to Me, then to Me is your return, 
then will I inform you of what you did. 

Noble Qur'an (31:14-15)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Holy Qur'an: Your Companion in the Grave

Rasulullah (saw) said: When a man dies and his relatives are 
busy in funeral, there stands an extremely handsome man 
by his head. When the dead body is shrouded, that man gets 
in between the shroud and the chest of the deceased.

When after the burial, the people return home, two angels, 
Munkar and Nakeer, come in the grave and try to separate 
this handsome man so that they may be able to interrogate 
the dead man in privacy about his faith. But the handsome man says, 
He is my companion, he is my friend. I will not leave him alone 
in any case. If you are appointed for interrogation, do your job. 
I cannot leave him until I get him admitted into Paradise.

Thereafter he turns to his dead companion and says, 
I am the Noble Qur'an, which you used to read, sometimes 
in a loud voice and sometimes in a low voice. Do not worry. 
After the interrogation of Munkar and Nakeer, 
you will have no grief.

When the interrogation is over, the handsome man arranges 
for him from Al-Mala'ul A'laa (the angels in Heaven) silk 
bedding filled with musk.

Also Rasulullah (saw) said: "On the Day of Judgement, 
before Allah (SWT), no other intercessor will have a greater 
status than the Noble Qur'an, neither a Prophet nor an angel."

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Eid-e-Zehra Mubarak to All of You

Eid-e-Zehra is a day of celebration, a day in which even 

the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) rejoiced! This day holds 

importance due to numerous events that transpired on 

this day in history.

One of the events which is marked on this day 

is the beginning of the Imamate of our 12th Imam, 

al-Hujjah ibn al-Hasan (may Allah hasten his return). 

His father, Imam Hasan al-Askari (AS) left this world 

on the 8th and, immediately after, his son took over 

the mantle of leadership. His leadership has spanned 

over 1,160 years, and as he is the living and present Imam, 

we have the potential of being his ‘companions’ just as 

great personalities such as Bilal, Salman, Abu Dharr, Maitham 

and countless others were companions of their living Imams. 

However, we need to strive to emulate such individuals 

and work towards being our Imam’s chosen helpers and 


The day also marks the first time that our 4th Imam smiled

and rejoiced after the tragic events of Kerbala in which 

he saw his entire family and loyal friends murdered in cold 

blood by Ibne Ziyaad, Umar ibne Sa’d, Yazid ibne Mu’awiyah 

and the others who were responsible for the crimes.   

History notes that it was on 9 Rabi’ul Awwal the year 67 A.H. 

when Mukhtar sent the head of Ubaydallah Ziyad to 

Imam Zainul Abedeen who was in Makkah at the time.

It is noted that the Prophet of Islam himself was seen 

smiling and ‘celebrating’ on this day while in the presence

 of Imams Ali, Hasan and Husain and said, “It is on this day 

that Allah will destroy your enemies and the enemies of 

your grandfather and it is on this day when Allah will accept 

the actions of your Shi’a and those who love you. 

This is the day when the words of Allah came true 

where He said (in the Qur‘an): 

"So those are the houses fallen down because 

they were unjust.’ (27:52) And this is the day 

when the Pharaoh (Firawn) of the time of the Ahlul Bayt 

was destroyed ...”


Hassan Ali

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Golden Sayings of Imam Hussain (AS) Part-12

133 - Nothing is more disgraceful for rulers than 
treating their subordinates cruelly. 

(Kefayatol Athar fi Al - Nas Ala Al - 
Aemma Al - Ethnai Ashar , P. 233)

134 - Nothing is more disgraceful for 
noble people than telling lies. 

(Kefayatol Athar fi Al - Nass Ala - 
Al - Aemma Al - Ethnai Ashar , p. 233)

135 - Nothing is more disgraceful for 
the learned than greed. 

(Kefayatol Athar fi Al - Nass Ala 
Al - Aemma Al - Ethnai Ashar , P.233)

136 - Amir al-Mo'menin ( leader of believers ) asked his 
son Hussain :" O' son ! what is being honorable " ?He replied : 
" Benevolence to family members , and bearing their losses. 

"(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 102)

137 - Imam (as) was once asked : what is affluence ?
He said : " Decreasing your wishes , and being satisfied 
with what is enough for you. 

"(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 102)

138 - What is poverty ?" Being covetous and hopeless. 

"(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 102)

139 - What is being low and base ?" Saving yourself 
but leaving your spouse to grapple with 
difficulties at hard times. 

"(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 102)

140 - What is stupidity? " Hostility to one's powerful 
and efficient commander , or to someone 
who can harm you or benefit you." 

(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P.102)

141 - A man told Imam Hussain (as): "I have built a 
new house. I like you to enter it and pray to God for me. 
Imam accepted. After entering the house, Imam had 
a look at it and said,” You have demolished your house 
and have built a larger and more luxurious house. People 
on the earth admire you and respect you for that house , 
while those up in the Heavens despise you. 

(Mustadrak al- Wasael , Vol. 3 , P. 467)

142 - The Holy Koran has an elegant outward and 

a profound inward 

(Jame- ol Akhbar by Sadook , P. 47)

143 - The intelligence of Muawiyah was being 
discussed when Imam said :" Man's intelligence 
would not be perfect unless truth is followed". 

(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 127)

144 - Imam Hussain (as) said : " Our enemy is 
the enemy of my grandfather Mohammad "

(Ihqaqol Haq , Vol , 11 , P. 592)

145 - Habeeb Ibn Madaher narrated that once 
he asked Imam Hussain : "What were you before 
the creation of Adam ? ". Imam replied : " We were spiritual lights 
orbiting the highest Heaven , and teaching the angels 
praising and glorification. 

"(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 60, P. 311)

146 - Twelve Mahdis are to be from us. First of them is 
Amir al-Mo'menin Ali Ibn Abi Talib , and the last is the 
Imam who rises by justice. Through him, God will revive 
the earth after its death , and let the real belief overcome 
other beliefs , in spite of the polytheists' dislike. He has 
a long occultation ,during which some will abandon their faith , 
and some will firmly stay in their belief. Then, they will be 
annoyed and asked : " When will this promise be fulfilled, 
if you are telling the truth ? " Truly , whoever withstands 
annoyance and denial of others during the occultation of Mahdi 
is like the one who fights by sword alongside the Prophet (pbuh ). 

(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 51, p. 133)

147 - Imam (as) was asked what virtue is. He said : 
" Holding your tongue, and good deed." Then he was 
asked what defect is. He said : " Involving yourself in a futile task." 

(Mustadrak al-Wasael , vol. 9 , P. 24)

Presented by Hassan Ali