Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Preparing for Laylatul Qadr

"Preparing for Laylatul Qadr" our GOAL is to take full
benefit/make full use of the BOUNTIES and RAHMA
that Allah (SWT) bestows opens us in this night of

It is important that we first understand the significance
of LAYLATUL QADR in order that we know what sort of
'ingredients' are required for our preparation to reach
the Ultimate Goal which is earning the pleasure of
Allah (SWT).

What is Laylatul Qadr or Night of Power therefore?
You are all aware of its importance so I will just briefly
re-run through it.

In surah Al-Qadr Allah (SWT) clearly states:
"Surely We revealed it (the Holy Quran) on the grand night.
And what will make you comprehend what the grand night.
The grand night is better than a thousand months.
The angels and Gabriel descend in it by the permission of
their Lord for every affair, Peace! It is till the break of
the morning."
Holy Quran (97:1-5)

Allah (SWT) is inviting all the believers for a Divine feast;
the invitation which has been brought by the messengers.
Allah (SWT) is the host, his most favorite angels are
the servants and the believers are the guests.

The table is spread with Divine blessings containing all sorts
of rewards and favors. Though the eyes cannot see them nor
the ears hear them not the human hearts imagine them,
yet the bounties are all kept in readiness to be awarded to
the guests in accordance to his/her actions.

Laylatul Qadr is a blessed night because the Almighty brings
down during it goodness, bliss, and forgiveness for His servants.
It is a feast which has come with a message that shows one
the way to achieve happiness in both the worlds.

Laylatul Qadr is a feast for the spirit, a feast of worship and

Ahadith indicate that the fate of every believer for the
coming year is decreed on this night. When our Prophet
Mohammad (saw) was asked how man could enjoy the favors
and good grace of proximity to, and mercy of, Allah (SWT)
he quoted Prophet Moosa / Musa / Moses (peace be upon him)

"Oh My God, I seek proximity to You;
He (Allah) said: Proximity to Me is for him who stays awake
on Laylatul Qadr.Oh My God,
I am in need of Your Mercy;
He (Allah) said: My Mercy is for him who shows mercy to the
poor on Laylatul Qadr.Oh My God,
I am in need of the passport to cross the bridge;
He (Allah) said: that is for him who give alms on Laylatul Qadr.
Oh My God, I am in need of the trees in Paradise and their fruits;
He (Allah) said: that is for him who seeks forgiveness on
Laylatul Qadr.
Oh My God, I seek deliverance from fire;
He (Allah) said: that is for him who remembers Allah on
Laylatul Qadr.
Oh My God, I seek Your good pleasure;
He (Allah) said: that is for him who says a two Rakat prayer
on Laylatul Qadr."

On another occasion Prophet Moosa / Musa / Moses
(peace be upon him) said: "Oh My God, are You far away that
I shout at You, or are You near that I whisper to You?"
He (Allah) said: "O Musa, I am sitting together with you!"

What do we therefore have to remind ourselves about
Laylatul Qadr?

We have to remind ourselves about Laylatul Qadr that is:
A unique once in a year opportunity to do a life times
worth of activity.
A once in a year occasion for influencing our future destiny -
"QADR" - Taqdeer. Full of long lasting blessings.
The night of unsurpassed grandeur when the absolute Grand
God revealed the Grand Quran through the Grand Wahy -
Jibreel into the heart of the Grand Prophet Mohammad (saw).

The Ma'sumeen have explained to us that God in his infinite
wisdom had planned the system of the universe in such a
way that every persons destiny will be determined on a
yearly basis in the angelic spheres through the agency of the
Imam of the age. Who is the leader and focus of the whole
spiritual world this gives MANKIND a unique opportunity to
influence his own future (gain, loss, health, sickness, richness,
poverty, etc by performing certain acts, e.g. Dua, Salat,
Sadaqah, Jihad, acquiring knowledge, Holy Quran recitation etc.

The night when the whole multitude of angels and the
Great Spirit (Ruh) descend on earth, greeting and praying
for the believers and conveying messages to the Imam of age.

Do we than still need to PREPARE OURSELVES FOR
LAYLATUL QADR after knowing its significance?

Yes, Let us imagine for a moment that we are invited for a
special feast by the president of our country, who also tells
us in advance that he is going to reward us with magnificent
gifts as per the way we present and behave ourselves during
the feast - What would we do?

After the initial euphoria, we would leave no stone unturned
to present ourselves in the best possible manner. Preparations
of what to wear, how to get there, what will I speak with
the president. If I have to go through his secretary what will
I say to him, what sort of gifts will I take with me, what sort
of conversation I have with him, all this and more will be
thought about, rehearsed and re-rehearsed. Correct me
if I am wrong!

All this 'tension' in honor of an invitation from the President
of a country. Laylatul Qadr is an invitation form the President
of all Presidents, The Supreme One. Do we need to make
preparations for this night?

Undoubtedly, we must start our preparations way ahead of time,
after all going by human nature (Fitra), there is more than profit
that can be got from this feast of Laylatul Qadr unless out of sheer 
carelessness we end up amongst those negligent and idle ones,
who do not achieve anything except tiredness, loss and eternal
 doom, who will gain nothing except regret and cry out aloud
on the day of Reckoning:

"Ah! Woe is me! In that I neglected (my duty) towards Allah."
- Holy Quran (39:56)

What sorts of Pre-preparations are needed before the
advent of this grand Laylatul Qadr?

Jibreel was asked; "What has the Almighty Allah (SWT) done
on this night with the wishes of the believers among the nation
of Prophet Mohammad (saw)?" He answered,
"The Almighty Allah (SWT) has looked upon them on this night
and forgiven them, all of them, except the following:
"One who is addicted to drinking, One who severs his ties
with his kin, and One who is a trouble-maker."

We have been advised to beseech Allah (SWT) during the whole
year before the arrival of the Night of Power or Laylatul Qadr,
to keep us alive for this night:
To bestow upon us the Tawfiq to remain vigilant during this night
and pray for blessings and forgiveness.
To bless us that we are able to do the best of deeds on this night.
To comprehend fully the importance of this night which is superior
to one thousand months.
To pray that we can become one of the favorites of Allah (SWT)
and be blessed with His love, learning, nearness, union, pleasure,
together with health, happiness, and welfare.
To yearn and act so that Allah (SWT) be so pleased with us in such
a manner, that after this night He would never be displeased us
To pray that our Aimma especially the Imam-ul-Asr (as) be pleased
with us intercede on our behalf.
How to prepare oneself for The Night of Power (Laylatul Qadr)?
(I) Preparing Mentally
Strive to keep Allah (SWT) at the fore of one's mind the whole
night long.
All the Ibadah (worship) done should be recited in the state of
being completely awake, aware, conscious, and with a live heart.
If one feels that one will not be able to concentrate then start
reciting from now

"We are from Allah and towards Him is our return." -
Holy Quran (2:156)

for it is considered as a tragedy if one can not in this night
receive the divine grace in supplications. "Their prayers ascend
upwards and reaches Allah (SWT), their words are accepted,
and Allah (SWT) loves to listen to their prayers the way a
mother likes her own child."
Is not it shameful that the prayers which ascend upwards
should be recited from the tip of the tongue, while the heart
and soul remain occupied in worldly affairs?

Many a times, one feels that one cannot 'properly' perform
a certain Ibadah and so decided to forgo it. One should not
do listen to this 'waswas' instead, one should perform it
and more, for acceptance lies in the Hand of the Mercy of
Allah (SWT).

(II) Preparing Physically
For worshipping in this night a suitable place, dress, and
perfume should be arranged in advance (comfortable dress
which does not distract us).
Paying alms during this night - to the people who really
deserve financial support.
Follow the translation of the Duas in order to understand
what you are reciting for lutf is only got when one knows
what one is reciting.
(III) Preparing Spiritually
Increase ones eagerness for receiving the promised bounties and
Select worships and deeds which are more in harmony with ones
When one stands for prayer, or any other Ibadah, to briefly spare
a moment to think about the wisdom of that action/its meaning
etc for e.g. Why am I standing towards Makkah? To realize that
when I stand on my two feet, it indicates my hope and fear
about the acceptance of my worship.

Resorting (Tawassul) to Ahlul Bayt (as) - With persistence,
supplicating in a polite and soft manner, with words and content
arousing their sympathies, should beseech them for bestowing
upon us the grace of being vigilant during this night.

Crying and Shedding Tears: that during these nights ones fear,
humility, tears, crying, anguish and lamentation be increased
as much as possible.

The Learned Scholar Hajj Mirza Javad Agha Maliki Tabrizi (ra)
in his book (Suluk-i Arifan) Spiritual Journey of the Mystics tell
us that One of the best method is that one should tie ones hands
around ones neck; should pour dirt upon ones head; should place
ones head against a wall; sometimes one should stand and
sometimes one should cry; should imagine oneself at the scene
of Judgment Day; and the way sinners are rebuked with harshness,
then one should imagine and be scared least Allah (the Glorious,
the Exalted) orders:
"Lay hold on him, then put a chain on him, then cast him into
the burning fire, then thrust him into a chain the length of which
is seventy cubits." - Holy Quran (69:30-32)
Then one should cry: "O' Thou are the most compassionate, and
Thou Who are the shelter of unsheltered ones!" "Where is Your 
vast blessing? Where is Your infinite forgiveness? Where are 
Your love and benevolence?" Ask for forgiveness of past sins in 
the most appealing manner with a promise to try never to return 
to the sins again - a TAWBA in every sense of the word Present 
ones requests before the Almighty Allah (SWT) with full hope 
that they will be answered.

Prophet Mohammad (saw) when asked what one should invoke 
Allah (SWT) during these nights, said: "Ask for your safety 
(here and in the hereafter)".

Monday, July 29, 2013

Lessons from the life of Sayyada Fatema Zahra(SA)

1.  Be Kind to Your Parents:
Sayyada Fatema(A.S.) would speak with her mother
Sayyada Khadija while she was in her womb to keep
her company because the women of Makkah had
boycotted her.
Sayyada Fatema(a.s.) would clean the Prophet’s wounds
after the Makkans injured him with stones.
Sayyada Fatema (a.s.) was a source of comfort to her father. 
He would come to her when he didn’t feel well like
before the event of the Kisa.
2. Trust Your Parents with important
decisions of your life:

Sayyada Fatema(a.s.) trusted her father when he left her
in Makkah while he migrated to Madina. 

Sayyada Fatema(a.s.) trusted her father with the decision
of choosing Imam Ali (a.s.) for her husband.  Several men
had proposed to marry Sayyada Fatema(a.s.) but the
Prophet only asked her about the proposal of Imam Ali(a.s.)
and she agreed to marry him.

3.       When choosing a life partner look for
Piety not Money:
 Sayyada Fatema(a.s.) chose to marry Imam Ali(a.s.)
based on his piety.  She did not look at how rich he was.
4.   Give in the way of Allah what you love most:

Sayyada Fatema(a.s.) gave away her wedding dress
the day after she got married!

5.   Always acquire knowledge: 
Sayyada Fatema(a.s.) would ask her sons to tell her about
the sermons of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).
6.   Always share your knowledge:

Sayyada Fatema was always willing to answer questions
of the women of Madina even if they were many, for
example when an old lady sent her many questions
about fiqh.
7. Raise your children in the way of Allah:

Sayyada Fatema(A.s.) raised her children
Imam Hasan(a.s.), Iman Hussain (a.s.), Sayyada Zainab
and Sayyada Umm Kulthum to be leaders of Islam.
8. Always Glorify Allah:

Sayyada Fatema(a.s.) would always glorify Allah by
reciting the tasbih whenever she would perform
the chores of the house.
9. Love your Children Equally:

Sayyada Fatema (A.s.) greeted both Imam Hasan(a.s.) and
Imam Hussain(a.s. ) as “qurata aini wa thamarata fuadi”,
“the light of my eyes and the delight of my heart” in
the event of the Kisa.

10. Give in the way of Allah without expecting
reward or thanks:

Sayyada Fatema(a.s.) and her family gave away their
meals three days in a row to the poor without asking
for any reward while they themselves remained hungry. 
This event led to the revelation of Sura Dahar in their praise.
11.Treat your servants well:

Sayyada Fatema(a.s.) always treated Sayyada Fizza
well and took turns in performing household chores
with her.
12. Observe Hijab properly:

Sayyada Fatema always observed Hijab even if the visitor
to her house was a blind man.
13. Speak up when your rights are taken away:

Sayyada Fatema (a.s.) went to court and spoke up
against her rights and inheritance being taken away.
14. Prepare for your death:
Sayyada Fatema(a.s.) was very concerned about her
burial and wanted her hijab to be maintained after
she died and had a casket designed that would
cover her body.
15. Never trust the enemies of Islam:

Sayyada Fatema(a.s.) asked certain people not to be
allowed to come to her burial and her exact burial place
has been kept a secret.
The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said,
“Fatima is part of me and she is my heart and the soul
which is between my two sides.”

The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said,
“Fatima is the joy of my heart, and her sons are
the fruit of my soul.”
She was indeed one of the greatest Islamic personalities
that had ever existed on this earth
It is said that Prayer is like a beautiful flower and
the Tasbeeh of Sayeda Fatima(a.s.) gives this beautiful
flower a beautiful fragrance.

By Azra J.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sayings on Holy Quran

Learning, teaching, reading and memorizing, planning and acting 
on the contents, there are numerous traditions in the different 
sources that its studying can display and manifest the importance 
and greatness of the Heavenly book. 

These traditions have been compiled in the books of traditions 
under the headings of "books of traditions", the "book of the 
excellence of Holy Quran", and the "book of the Merits of 
Holy Quran". 

The commentators of Holy Quran especially the commentators 
living in the beginning of Islam have narrated these traditions in 
their books. In addition to the above, some of the earlier scholars 
have made efforts to write books under the heading of "the book 
of the Fazl-ul-Quran or the book of Navader-ul-Quran."

Ofcourse, some of these writings could not be transferred to the 
other periods. But, in the periods of recent scholars, the late 
Allama Majlisi has allocated a part of the nineteenth volume of 
his book "Bihar al-Anwar" to the Book of Holy Quran. 

This part has been printed in the volumes 89 and 90. Besides, 
this point that this part of the book of Bihar al-Anwar, like the 
other parts of this magnificent treasure, not only includes numerous 
writings of scholars of the earlier centuries, but implicitly it contains 
many traditions from Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and 
the Holy Imams (as). It is a very useful reference.

Lastly, in the selection of the traditions of these writings, great 
emphasis has been laid on selecting the short Quranic traditions. 

In some cases, a part of the tradition has been mentioned from 

summary viewpoint. We have refrained from mentioning the 
reference of the tradition so that it will be easier to read or 
memorize them. But, those interested for finding the references 
of every tradition can refer to their sources.

01 - The superiority and excellence of the Holy Quran.

a) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"The superiority and preference of the Holy Quran on all 
other books and sayings is the same as the superiority of 
Almighty over His creatures."

b) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"The Holy Quran is superior and excellent to 
everything other than Almighty Allah (SWT)."

c) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"One who reads the Holy Quran, then he imagines that 
somebody (else) has received better and superior than 
him, then most certainly he has considered it insignificant 
the thing that is honorable and great before the Almighty."

d) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUHsaid:
"Whenever mischief and seditions surround you like 
a part of the darkness of the night then 
(take refuge and) go towards the Holy Quran."

e) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUHsaid:
"The Holy Quran is a wealth that no wealth can 
equal (or reach) it. And there will be no poverty after it."

02 - the Comprehensiveness and value of Holy Quran:

a) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"The Book of the Almighty comprises of the narratives 
and incidents of the ancients; the news of the 
future ones; and the rules and regulations amongst you. 
The Holy Quran was the measure and weight of the truth 
and falsehood and it is not facetious and in vain."

b) Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) said:
"The Holy Quran is beautiful apparently and it is deep and 
profound inwardly. Its wonder is everlasting and 
the curtains of darkness will not be removed 
when refraining from it."

03 - Learning and teaching the Holy Quran.

a) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"The best of you are those who have learned 
the Holy Quran and teach to the others".

b) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"One who teaches an Ayat of the Holy Quran, the Sawab 
(good deed) will be earned and returned to them so 
long as the Ayat is being recited."

c) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"For the teacher of the Holy Quran, all the particles of 
the world seek forgiveness and supplicate 
for him even the fishes of the oceans."

d) Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) said:
"Learn and study (Holy) Quran. It is the best of the sayings. Peruse and 
think and deliberate on it as it is the spring of the hearts."

e) Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said:
"It is deserving and worthy of a believer that he should not depart 
from this world but that he has learned the (Holy) Quran or is in 
the path of learning it."

f) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"The (Holy) Quran is the (dining) table of the Almighty. Therefore, 
utilize it and learn as far as possible."

04 - The Recitation of The Holy Quran; Its Effect and Its Usefulness.

a) The best of the worships is the recitation of the (Holy) Quran. 
The traditions that have been narrated about reward and good deeds 
for the recitation of the Holy Quran is considered as the best of worships. 

It is important to mention that during the period of Holy Prophet 
Muhammad (PBUH); the learning of the word and meaning of the 
Holy Quran was considered jointly. 

Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH
recommended the recitation of the Holy Quran along with 
understanding their meanings. The conduct of 
Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) shows us 
that he would teach ten Ayats of the Holy Quran to his 
companions and till the time they would not learn and 
understand the practical rules and science of the ten Ayats, 
he would not commence the next ten Ayats. 

Thus, the reader of the Holy Quran was aware and well conversant 
of their meanings.

b) Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said:
"The Quran is the covenant and programs the Almighty 
for His creatures. It is deserving that every Muslim should 
look at this divinely testament every day and recite 
fifty Ayats from them every day."

c) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"One who recites ten Ayats of the (Holy) Quran during 
the night is from amongst the negligent and the heedless. 
One who recites fifty Ayats is from amongst the recites 
and commemorators. One who recites hundred Ayats is 
from amongst the humble and meek ones. One who 
recites two hundred Ayats will be counted from amongst 
the one who fears the Almighty and from amongst the 
special ones. One who recites three hundred Ayats will be 
from amongst the delivered and saved ones. And one 
who recites five hundred Ayats, he will be from amongst 
the jurisprudents."

d) Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) said:
"In the day of Resurrection, it will be said to the reciter of the 
Holy Quran (Qaari) that recite (The Holy Quran) and step above. 
Recite as you have recited in the (previous) world. Your status and 
position is up to the last Ayats that you have recited."

e) Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) said:
"One who recites the (Holy) Quran is like the one on 
whose heart has been inserted the Prophet hood except that 
"Wahi" (revelations) have not been revealed for him."

f) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUHsaid to 
Salman Mohammadi
"O Salman! Upon you be about 
the recitation of the (Holy) Quran. Its recitation 
is kaffarah (atonement) of sins."

g) Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said:
"One who recites the Holy Quran and he is a young believer, 
then his body and blood will be blended and mixed with it."

H) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUHsaid:
"Surely, these hearts are rusts like rusted irons. 
Surely (the thing) which gives it luster and polish is 
the recitation of the (Holy) Quran."

05 - The ways and the Manners of The Recitation of 
The Holy Quran.

a) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"Discharge (your duty towards the Holy) Quran in a 
good way and search for its wonders and strangeness."

b) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"Recite the (Holy) Quran in the tone of the Arabs 
and with their dialects and accents."

c) Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said:
"The (Holy) Quran has been revealed in a sad and 
sorrowful manner. So, you also recite it humbly and sadly."

d) Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) said:
"During the recitation of the (Holy) Quran, express it in a 
good manner. And do not hurry in it like as reciting the poems 
and do not scatter it like the pebbles." But, install fear and 
alarm in your hard hearts through it. Your efforts should not be 
that you should recite and reach the end of the Ayat."

e) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"Learn the (Holy) Quran in Arabic. Refrain from adding an 
extra word or alphabet in it."

06 - The Recitation Of The Holy Quran in a beautiful and 
Melodious Tone:

a) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"For everything there is an adornment and a decoration. 
The adornment of the (Holy) Quran is a beautiful voice and tone."

b) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"Adorn and decorate the (Holy) Quran with your (good) voice."

c) It was asked from Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUHthat 
which of the peoples voice in the recitation of the 
(Holy) Quran is better. He said; "The voice of that person 
is better who while reciting the Holy Quran and 
his recitation reaches you, you feel that he is 
feaful of Allah."

d) Imam Ali al-Hadi (as) said:
"Ali ibn Hussein (Zainul Abedin) would recite the 
(Holy) Quran in such a beautiful voice the passer byes 
who would pass from his house would swoon and 
(would be overcome) by his voice."

e) Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said:
While interpreting the Ayat of the Holy Quran, "The meaning 
of this Ayat is that one should recite the Holy Quran in a 
slow and pauseful manner and make your voice beautiful 
with its recitation."

07 - Memorizing The Holy Quran and Its Effects.

a) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"The most honorable and noble from amongst 
my Ummat are the memorizers of the (Holy) Quran and 
those who (stay) awake (for worshiping)."

b) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"The carriers of the (Holy) Quran are those who are 
included and covered by the Mercy of Allah."

c) Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said:
"Recite the (Holy) Quran and memorize it. Allah 
will not punish the heart in which the Quran 
has been placed (in it)."

d) Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said:
"The memorizer of the Quran and the one who acts on 
it will be the companions with the preferable 
divine ambassadors - the Angels."

e) And from amongst the Duas and supplications of 
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as):
"O Allah, select and approve for us two works: 
to recite the Quran in a good manner and to 
memorize their Ayats."

f) Imam Musa Kazim (as) narrates from 
Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 
who said: "The carriers of the (Holy) Quran are 
the learned persons of the inhabitants of the Heavens."

08 - The Recitation of The Holy Quran While Looking 
At The Moshaf:

a) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"Looking at the Moshaf (Holy Quran) is (considered as) 
worship."As per some traditions, Moshaf is a name, 
which has been ascribed to the Holy Quran. 
This word has not come in the Holy Quran in this form, 
but its derivative of "Sohof" has been used in 
the Holy Quran on 8 occasions.

b) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUHsaid:
"The recitation of the Holy Quran from the Moshaf (Book) is 
better that its recitation from memory."

c) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"Nothing is more difficult and harder for the Shaitan than 
the recitation of the Quran from the Moshaf (book)."

d) Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said:
"One who recites the Quran from the Moshaf (Book) then 
his eyes will enjoy and profit (from its good deeds and blessings)."

09 - The Recitation Of The Holy Quran And Contemplating And 
Deliberating On It.

a) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"Woe is upon the one who recites the divine Ayats, but 
dose not contemplates and thinks about it."

b) Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) said:
"Beware, there is no good in recitation (of the Holy Quran) 
and not deliberating and thinking on it."

c) Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) said:
"Learn the (Holy) Quran as it is the best of the speeches and 
think and reflect on it as it is the spring of the hearts."

d) Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) while interpreting the Ayats of 
the Holy Quran, the right to the recitation of the Quran 
is thinking and pause over every Ayat, which propounds 
about the Heaven and the Hell.

10 - The Recitation of The Holy Quran And Acting On It.

a) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"How numerous are the reciters of the Holy Quran, and the 
Holy Quran curses them."

b) Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"The one who does not consider the Haram (forbidden) acts 
of the Holy Quran as Halal (permissible) does not believe 
and has no faith in the Holy Quran."

c) The one who learns the Holy Quran and does not act on it, 
Allah (SWT) will raise him as a blind (person) on the day of 

d) Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) said:
"By Allah, pay attention to the Holy Quran. It should not be 
that others overtake and take precedence over you 
in acting and practicing (on the Quran)."

e) Imam Ali Reza (as) said:
"(Quran) is the word of Allah (SWT). Do not exceed and 
trespass from its boundary. Do not seek guidance other 
than from its shadow and protection or you 
will be deviated and misguided."

f) Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) said:

"One who recites the (Holy Quran) and then enters the Hell, 
he is from those who have ridiculed and mocked 
at the Ayats of the Holy Quran."

Courtesy: Naba Cultural Organization