Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Real Inspiring Story: Hereafter Life. Dream Interpretation

Once a man saw in his dream, that a lion was chasing him.
The man ran to a tree, climbed on to it and sat on a branch. 
He looked down and saw that the lion was still there waiting for him.

The man then looked to his side where the branch he was sitting on 
was attached to the tree and saw that two rats were circling around
 and eating the branch. One rat was black and the other one was white. 
The branch would fall on the ground very soon.

The man then looked below again with fear and discovered 
that a big black snake had come and settled directly under him. 
The snake opened its mouth right under the man so that he will fall into it.
The man then looked up to see if there was anything that he could hold on to.

He saw another branch with a honeycomb. Drops of honey were falling from it.

The man wanted to taste one of the drops. So, he put his tongue out 

and tasted one of the fallen drops of honey. The honey was amazing in taste. 
So, he wanted to taste another drop. As he did, he got lost into 
the sweetness of the honey.

Meanwhile, he forgot about the two rats eating his branch away, 
the lion on the ground and the snake that is sitting right under him.

After a while, he woke up from his sleep.
To get the meaning behind this dream, the man went to 
a pious scholar of Islam. The Islamic scholar who interpret the dream said, 
the lion you saw is your death. It always chases you and goes 
wherever you go.

The two rats, one black and one white, are the night and the day. 
Black one is the night and the white one is the day. They circle around, 
coming one after another, to eat your time as they take you closer to death.

The big black snake with a dark mouth is your grave. It's there, 
just waiting for you to fall into it. The honeycomb is this world and 
the sweet honey is the luxuries of this world. We like to taste a drop
 of the luxuries of this world but it's very sweet. Then we taste another drop 
and yet another.

Meanwhile, we get lost into it and we forget about our time, 
we forget about our death and we forget about our graves.
This Life is Material, and the Hereafter is Far Better:

Moral of the Story:
According to Islam, this life is very short and full of material things 
that can get in the way of our submission to Almighty God. 
It's not wrong to have these material possessions as long as we remember
 our obligations to Almighty God and thank Him for those things. 

We shouldn't get preoccupied with this temporary worldly life 
and forget Hereafter.

It is narrated that the Holy Prophet (saw) has said: 
"Most intellectual of man is he remembers the death most."

It is narrated that the Holy Prophet (saw) has said: 
"One who gains the love and grace of Allah, always end (Ajal) 
will be before his eyes and he will be always worried about his death.

But the one who take Satan (Shaitan) as a friend and becomes Bad-Bakht. 
Shaitan overpowers him and indulge (Giraftaar) him in long long desires
and them he never remember death."