Monday, January 10, 2011

The Beautiful Story of Hazrat Adam AS from Holy Quran

The creation of man is referred to in the Holy Quran in many places.
Adam was the first man God created. Then He created Eve, 
and they lived together in heaven.

God regarded man as his noblest creation. He sent him
as His vicegerent on earth. Before creating Adam, 
He told the angels in the heavens that
He was creating 'man from clay, moulding him from earthly substance',
and asked them to 'fall down before him in prostration, 
when I have given him form and breathed into him My spirit'. 
The angels were aghast: They asked: 'Pray, 
will you put man there Who will do mischief and shed blood?
Why not send us instead who worship and glorify You? 
[2:30] Holy Quran

They prayed to the Lord not to humiliate them. God told them
to obey His command, for, he said, 'You know not what I know.' 
The Holy Quran states: So each one of them obeyed except Satan.
God asked him: 'Why did you not prostrate?' 
Satan replied: 'Because I am worthier, my Lord, than Adam.
Of fire You have created me, from clay you have created him.' 
[7:12]Holy Quran

God thundered: Begone from My presence! There is no place for you
here. Your arrogance makes you the meanest of My creatures. 
[7:13]Holy Quran

Satan bowed before the Lord, and made one plea: Grant me, my Lord,
a reprieve until the day man is raised again. 
[7:14]Holy Quran 

God granted Satan the reprieve. Satan then said: 
Since you have thrown me out, I shall now waylay man
< on the straight path you have laid and 
make him commit sin, from the right hand to the left, 
from before and behind him; You will not find in Adam 
and in most of his progeny, gratitude for Your bounties. 
[7:16-17]Holy Quran 

God told Satan that he was disgraced, and banished him 
from paradise: Those of My creatures who follow you 
they shall be consigned
to hell with you. 
[20:123-124]Holy Quran

Turning to Adam, God said: You and Eve can reside in 
the garden of paradise. Eat fruits from any tree you like, 
but there is one to which you shall not go nor 
shall you eat its fruits. For, indeed, 
it will be a transgression. 
[2:35] Holy Quran

Adam and Eve began to live blissfully in paradise, but Satan would 
tempt them so as to swerve them from the right path. 
He whispered into their ears that they should enjoy their bare bodies,
which until then they had not perceived.

He told them that their Lord had asked them to keep away
from the prohibited tree because He did not wish them 
to become angels and thus immortal. 

He asked them to swear that 
they would not betray his trust and then urged them
to eat the forbidden fruit. He assured them that
he was their 'true friend'. He used all his guile to entice them. 

Eventually, Adam and Eve succumbed to his enticements
and tasted the forbidden fruit. They covered themselves 
with leaves in order to conceal their shame. 
On seeing this transformation, their Lord asked them: 
Did I not forbid you to go near that tree? Did I not warn you
that Satan is your enemy? 
[7:20-22] Holy Quran

Adam and Eve realized their mistake and begged forgiveness 
of their Lord: O Lord, we have sinned grievously. 
Please grant us Your forgiveness
or else we shall be lost forever. 
[7:23] Holy Quran

The Lord in His mercy forgave them, but cast them down 
to live on earth. He told them that there shall be 
eternal enmity and feuding between them and Satan. 

The Lord reminded Adam and Eve,
and their progeny who followed them, that clothing
might cover their shame, but what was more important for them
was to cover themselves with the 'garment of true piety':
O Children of Adam! Let Satan not be your guide 
as he has been of your parents.
He misled them and drove them out, stripping them 
of their nakedness. 
[7:27] Holy Quran

Satan made Adam and Eve commit indecency. 
Thus they disobeyed the command of their Lord. 
They were warned of Satan's designs;
they were asked to tell Satan: Our Lord commands us to do
what is right and just. He is to be worshipped 
in every place and prayed to with all the sincerity of faith.
It is He who has brought us to life, and it is He 
who will raise us again. After we die we shall return to Him. 
Some of us have been guided right.
But some have taken to Satan's ways. They are, 
indeed, in the wrong. 
[7:29-30] Holy Quran

Referring to Cain and Abel, the two sons of Adam, 
the Holy Quran says
that each of them made an offering to God; 
the offering of Abel was accepted and that of Cain 
was rejected: But his brother replied: 'Only from those 
who truly fear the Lord does God accept an offering. 
If you try to kill me, I will not do the same to you. 
For I fear my Lord, Who is the Lord of all beings. 
If you kill me, the sin will be on your head 
and you will be consigned to hell.' 
[5:27-29] Holy Quran

Abel's words had no effect on Cain. He murdered his brother 
without any cause and 'took his place among the lost'. 
God sent a raven who dug the ground to cover 
the corpse of Abel. Seeing this,
Cain felt most remorseful and cried, 'Woe to me.
I am worse than this raven, for I cannot hide the evil
that I have done to my brother.' 

The Holy Quran admonishes: 
" O Children of Israel! If anyone kills another 
without just cause, except in retaliation for a murder or 
for causing corruption in the land,
it is as if he has killed the whole of mankind. And
whosoever saves a life, it is as if he has saved 
the whole of mankind. 
[5:32] Holy Quran

Presented by Hassan Ali