Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Golden Sayings of Imam Hussain (AS) Part-5

45 - Beware that the need of people for you is among the graces of God, 
so do not neglect the needy as the graces will turn into difficulties. 
Do know Good deeds bring you people's respect and praise and God's rewards. 
If you could personify and visualise good deeds as a human being you would 
see him as kind and good looking , whose sight is pleasant for everyone to see. 
And if you could picture evil acts , you would see him ugly and disgusting , 
hearts detesting him , and eyes closing to his sight. 

(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 121)

46 - The most merciful person is the one who forgives 
when he is able to revenge. 

(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 121)

47 - Your best relation is the one who comes to you and 
helps you when you have severed relations with him. 

(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 121)

48 - Whoever sorts out the difficulty of a believer 
God will sort out his difficulties in this world and in the hereafter. 

(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 122)

49 - Tolerance is man's ornament , keeping promises is a sign of nobility , 
and bonding with others is a grace. 

(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 122)

50 - Arrogance is a sign of selfishness rashness is a sign of foolishness 
and foolishness is a sign of weakness and exaggeration causes destruction. 

(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 122)

51 - Thinking of war is spine-chilling and its taste is extremely unpleasant. 
A true warrior is one who steps into the scene of war, fully armed, 
with no fear of the enemy. Whoever starts fighting at an inappropriate time , 
or when he is not fully equipped and prepared , or without having made plans about it , 
he will not be helpful for his people and he will die in vain. 

(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 32 , P. 405)

52 - I advise you to keep piety and chastity and warn you of the days
 of Resurrection and death , and hoist you his ( threatening ) flags : 
Imagine death with its terrible frightening looks , its unwanted arrival, 
and its bitter taste has clawn at your soul and has made an obstacle 
between you and your deeds. Still you care more about your body 
( rather than soul ). I can see the calamity of death grabs you 
suddenly and drags you from the surface of the earth to its depth 
and from the heights of the earth to its lower places and from the joy 
and familiarity of the earth to the horror of the grave , 
from the prosperity and illumination of earth to the darkness and 
pitch blackness of the grave and from the vastness of the earth to 
the tightness of the grave. It takes you to that prison to which your 
nearest relative is not allowed to visit you , to a place where patients 
have no right to be visited , to a place where there is no response 
to any cry or scream. May the Almighty God save us from the difficulties 
and problems of this day and salvage both we and you 
from the punishment of that day , and makes us deserving 
his great rewards. 

(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol.78 , P.120)

53 - I advise you to keep the divine piety. Surely the God has ensured for 
the one who keeps his piety to transfer him from what he dislikes to what 
he likes ;and provides him with sustenance form an unexpected way. 

(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 121)

54 - Beware not to be among those who fear that people might face punishment
 for their sins but they feel secured from their own sins. Surely the glorious God 
can not be cheated and no reward can be achieved from him 
except by his obedience ; God willing. 

(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 121)

55 - O' the son of Adam ! Think for a while and ask yourself : 
Where are the kings and emperors of the world ? Where are those 
who re-built the ruins , dug ditches and wells , planted trees and 
set up habitable towns ? Where are those who gathered wealth ? 
They had to part with their wealth and properties and leave them to 
other reluctantly. We, too, will have the same fate. 

(Ershadol Kuloob , Vol. 1 , P. 29)

56 - O' the son of Adam! lmagine your death bed , your grave , 
imagine the Day of Judgement when all parts of your body will testify 
against you ; the day when knees will tremble , hearts will be squeezed 
inside tight chests ;the day secrets will be disclosed , 
people will be unmasked , some will come out victorious and 
dignified and some will be disgraced , and the divine justice 
will gauge people's deeds. 

(Ershadol Kuloob , Vol. 1 , P. 29)

Presented by Hassan Ali