Saturday, January 15, 2011

Prophet Mohammed PBUH Said: You can't Repay Mother's One Night Due..

Someone asked the Prophet Mohammad PBUH, "Who has the greater right 
over children, the mother or the father?"

Prophet Mohammad PBUH, "Who has the greater right over children, 
the  answered, "The mother's right is greater than the father's." 
He was asked three times, and each time the answer was the same.

The fourth time, Prophet Mohammad PBUH, "Who has the greater right 
over children, the  said, "The father's right is next."

"Why do you give the mother three rights to the father's one?"

Prophet Mohammad PBUH, "Who has the greater right over children, 
the  replied, "Your mother carried you for nine months in her womb, 
than gave you birth. After that she gave up her sleep for your sleep, 
suckled you, carried you in her arms, and cleaned you.

For years she cooked for you, fed you, and served you food. 
She did your laundry.

When you were forty, fifty, sixty, she still followed your progress 
with interest.

Your father sowed you in your mother's womb, provided your food, 
and made sure you had clothes to wear. 
Can this be compared with your mother's role?"

The questioner went on, "Well, I wonder if I could ever repay 
my mother for all the help and service, 
however much I might do for her?

The Prophet Mohammad PBUH, "Who has the greater right over children, 
the  replied, "You could not repay so much as one night's due 
"But suppose I carry my mother on my back for years, clean up after her, 
cook for her, and feed her. Suppose I attend to those same services 
as long as she may live?"

"There will still be this difference between you: your mother 
looked out for you to live, while you are waiting for her to die."


Don't Send Artificial Loves to your Mother and Father. 
Give them the respect and courtesy they desire. 
They are your most precious Treasure, Care for them.

God Forbid, if they leave this world then 
one can do nothing but regret.

Presented by Hassan Ali