Friday, July 5, 2013

Golden sayings by Prophet Mohammed PBUH Part-2

He who wishes to enter Paradise must 
please his father and mother.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

No one who keeps his mind focused 
entirely upon himself can grow large, 
strong and beautiful in character.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

Whoever loves to meet God, 
God loves to meet him.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

The five stated prayers erase the sins 
which have been committed during 
the intervals between them if they 
have not been mortal sins.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

God is not merciful to him who is not 
so to humankind. He who is not kind to 
God's creation and to his own children, 
God will not be kind to him.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

Whosoever visits a sick person, an angel 
calls from Heaven: "Be happy in the world 
and happy be your walking; and take your 
habitation in Paradise."
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

The love of the world is the root of all evils.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

Wealth properly employed is a blessing; 
and a man may lawfully endeavor to 
increase it by honest means.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

One who listens to the call of a Muslim, 
and does not respond to it, is NOT a Muslim.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

One, who gets up in the morning and is not 
concerned about the affairs of other Muslims, 
is NOT a Muslim.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

Being in need of Allah is a source of pride for 
me and I take pride in it.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

Honesty brings subsistence. 
Dishonesty brings poverty.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

I will certainly hear him who greets me near 
my tomb, and I will surely respond the salaams 
of him who greets me from any place.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH