Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Golden sayings by Prophet Mohammed PBUH

The most honored among people who is pious, 
and the strongest among people who depends 
on Allah.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

A man giving in alms one piece of silver in his 
lifetime is better for him than giving one hundred 
when about to die.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

To meet friends cheerfully and invite them to a
feast are charitable acts.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

To extend consideration towards neighbors and 
send them presents are charitable acts.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH
To acquire knowledge is binding upon all Muslims, 
whether male or female.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

The ink of the scholar is more holy than the 
blood of the martyr.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

He who travels in the search of knowledge, 
to him God shows the way of Paradise.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

Keep yourselves far from envy, because 
it eats up and takes away good actions, 
like the fire that eats up and burns wood.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

Whoever suppresses his anger, 
when he has in his power to show it, 
God will give him a great reward.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

He is not strong and powerful, 
who throws people down, but 
he is strong who withholds himself from anger.
                       By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

Deal gently with a people, and be not harsh; 
cheer them and condemn not.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

Much silence and a good disposition; 
there are no two works better than these.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

The best of friends is he who is 
best in behavior and character.
   By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

One who does not practice modesty 
and does not refrain from shameless deeds 
is not a Muslim.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH

Paradise lies at the feet of thy mother.
By Prophet Mohammed PBUH
Posted by Islamic Quotes